Blogger BlogNet27284

Everyone Can Blog

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Blog is the prefer way and is a modern way to share personal experiences with the world wide web audiences and the masses. Blog is also a very good way for big corporations to announce their important news to their clients and prospects. Beside meeting face to face with their clients and prospects, blog helps big corporations convey their messages in a very personal aspect.

To read a blog is to read a short message, a long story of an event, a misspelled paragraph, a gibberish message, and everything else you can considered of. Blog is not your normal media where you know beforehand certain standards are apply. For example if you read everyday newspapers, and you know how certain headlines are present, and sometime the headlines are convey enough meaning that you do not need to delve further into the detail. To read a blog you got to take a different approach because the headline of a blog sometimes mean everything, and sometimes it means nothing; so you have to really digging into the details after-all.

It's quite annoying when certain blogs are fun to read but the blogs' creators decide to stop updating their blogs. It's also mind blogging when there are millions of blogs and bloggers popping out of the thin air and the search engines grabbing them up daily. Google's blog search engine is a very good example.

Blog is unlike newspapers and other medias, because blog is for everyone. Blogs do not fit for particular groups, but blog fits for all groups. Sometime people fear to write blog because they fear of writing bad blog. Do not fear your blog is a bad blog, because blog is just a tool for you to share your personal experiences with the masses.

To write a blog you need a blog host or you need a web space where you can upload your blog to. It's quite cumbersome if you do not have a blog software or a blog content management system. People who write blogs usually update their blogs quite frequently. Meaning that they have to write a lot and with the lack of blog softwares, you have to update your blog manually using HTML.

There are a lot of free websites that allow you to open a free account and use their blog softwares. One good blog web host website I know of is They got excellent tools and features for you to open up a blog and share your experiences. Such features they have are normal text blog, upload photos to your blog, upload photos to your albums, mobile blog (e.g. Use your mobile phone and blog), podcasting (e.g. Audios and videos format), and many other available features when you open up an account with them. Don't worry about any fees when you open up an account with because provides only free blog hosting service. Another thing I like about is that they do not put their advertisements or third parties advertisements onto your blog pages. Though they always welcome you to put up your own advertisements or adsense (google's advertisements) so you can make extra cash as your blog gets popular.

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