Blogger BlogNet27284

Combining AdSense and Adbrite to Monetize Your Site


Have you been doing researching ways to make money with Internet marketing? If so, then you may have found that two good resources for making passive income are AdSense and Adbrite. Each program has its own specific advantages and disadvantages, but either one can help you earn a significant amount of money from your websites or blogs.

Because each program has its own unique characteristics, some Internet marketers have begun to use both AdSense and Adbrite on their sites. From a marketing standpoint, this makes sense, because you will have several different types of ads to offer to your readers. However, there are a couple of important considerations that you should think about before combining AdSense and Adbrite to monetize your website or blog.

First, keep in mind that Google (the owner of AdSense) does not like web pages that contain both AdSense ads and other types of contextual ads. In fact, Google may choose to suspend your AdSense account if it finds a web page that contains multiple types of contextual ads.

One way to get around this is to make sure they each page of your website contains only Adsense ads or Adbrite ads. You can have both types of ads on the same website, as long as they both do not appear one the same page. Also, you can create multiple websites, and only use one type of ad on each website. This can actually help you, because it will be easier to compare the performance of your ads to see which program works better.

Another thing to consider when combining Adsense and Adbrite to monetize your website is that each program has a minimum payout - that is, your earnings must reach a certain threshold before the company will send you a check. So if you use both types of ads, it may take you longer to get your hands on the money you have earned from contextual ads.

If you are willing to consider these factors when building your website, combining Adsense and Adbrite ads on your website can be a great way to maximize your website's revenue.

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Anthony Vicenza is a professional affiliate marketer. He now provides free advice to wanna-be internet entrepreneurs at

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Podcasters need to publish podcast episode notes besides the podcast itself on the Web so others can find and consume it. Nowadays, it is very easy to get any type of content on the Web.

Thanks for the blog software and content management system, they are now improved to a point that anyone can just type and click a button and... all of a sudden the content is available for all to see.

However, there are times you may find that knowing how to format the text and images on the Web so they appear as you want is necessary and important. You can do it on the Web by using HTML tags.

Rest assured though, basic HTML tags are just that, basic. They are simple and easy to learn.

1. Heading tags

A blog software automatically format the title of the page correctly with the right tag. But occasionally, you want to divide long content into sub-headings. This is when heading tags come into play. Sub-heading tags are h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6.

2. Body text formatting

There are a lot you can do to make text content interesting. Formatting it correctly also increase readership. You can make a word or sentence bold (b or strong), italics (i or em), underline (u), and strike through (strike).

If you quote other blogs or sites, you should also format them as blockquotes (blockquote) and provide a link to the source.

3. Links

Using the a tag allows you to create any link, including Web links, link to the same page and email links.

4. Images

The img tag is used to include image on the web page. You can define the size (width and height), set the alt attribute to give a clue to search engines about the image, add border, preserve horizontal and vertical space, and align it with the surrounding text.

5. Lists

Other useful tags are for creating lists. You can use this to make points quickly. For example, to list the topic you talk about in the podcast.

There are two types of lists, ordered and unordered. You can make them with the ol and ul tags, respectively.

Formatting episode notes properly helps web visitors scan through the content fast. If the episode notes are just a huge block of text without any formatting or very hard to read, people tend to skip it.

You want to keep the visitors as long as possible on your web site until they do what you want them to do such as subscribing to the podcast feed, contacting your for more information regarding your service, buying your product, etc.

Copyright Hendry Lee and

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Aug 11, 2008

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