Blogger BlogNet27284

Math Help for the Adult Student Returning to School


More adults than ever before are returning to formal education. Some want to learn what they have failed to learn in high school. Some have made the momentous decision to earn a high school diploma or to go to college for the first - or second or third - time. And some, particularly those in mid-life, want additional education in order to recharge a stalled career or start an entirely new one.

The growth of adult literacy programs, both online and community-based, has made it even more possible than ever for adults who want to learn to do so in the comfort of their own homes and communities. The decision to return to an educational environment brings with it expectations and fears, both real and imagined.

One of the more prevalent fears is math phobia. Math phobia is real, harmful and often reality-based. It is often based in one or more experiences in a person's life which caused him pain, such as being ridiculed by powerful people or losing an important position or even a loved one because of a perceived deficit in mathematical ability. It is a serious impediment to success in the social and economic world we live in and it can devastate its victims by making it impossible to succeed in career searching or in solving problems of daily living.

Unlike language, which is heard, seen, spoken and used every day, or science, which is often taught a with hands-on approach, one does not often remember the finer points of a subject like geometry or trigonometry or algebra if they are not applied on a regular basis toward solving the practical problems of one's life after leaving school. The fact that most math courses are taught in an abstract manner, often using mostly visual cues which are not concrete, makes it less likely for students who learn primarily by hearing or moving to remember techniques and principles.

While it often takes simply a jolt of courage and determination to return to studying math for literacy or for career advancement or for pleasure, there is help available to alleviate the pain of math phobia:

- Talking with a trusted friend about the fear is one way to proceed. People who harbor fear and do not share it are less likely to feel that it is possible to overcome the fear.

- Purchasing a book or video to be in control of the subject, literally to keep it under wraps until you are ready to look at it, gives a sense of mastery from the beginning.

- Exchanging lessons with a student who is stronger in math but less able in an area of your own strength may work. For instance, if you are a skilled baker or carpenter or tailor and a friend is stronger in math than you are, you might exchange services and tips. This will enable you to work from a position of strength rather than form weakness.

- Purchasing a short-term or long-term tutoring service to gain control over your own time and privacy while re-introducing math into your life.

- Starting with small victories, such as adding a column of figures on a grocery receipt or calculating the tip on a meal with a calculator, may help. The longest journey begins with the first small step.

- Being self-compassionate is essential. As with any phobia, one anticipates fear of loss or pain when the essence of the fear is experienced. Understand that the fear is due to a traumatic event or to a series of events which were beyond your control at a time when you did not have the power you now have.

- Don't expect your concerns to dissipate overnight. It may take an extended period of time with ups and downs to gain control over this fear. Be patient with yourself.

Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that others have faced this difficulty before you and many have overcome it. Building the mathematical part of you might be an experience similar to starting an exercise plan or taking vitamins: good for you in the long run, gives you aches and pains and side effects at first, and something that might be priceless for your future well-being.

Math Made Easy provides Math help for Algebra help, Geometry help, math homework help using math online tutorial services and math tutorial cd so you can watch your math scores soar.

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Melitta Coffee Pod Tutorial


As hectic as life can be from minute to minute and day to day, coffee lovers out there always seem to be able to find time for a refreshing cup of joe. Whether you are trying to jumpstart your day in the morning or searching for that late afternoon pick-me-up, coffee pods might just be the secret to conquering your hankering.

For the coffee or tea enthusiasts who are sick of the messy clean-up and tired of waiting for their coffee to brew at home or in the office, the Melitta One:One, may be the perfect solution.

What is the Melitta One:One?

The Melitta One:One java pod coffee maker is a single cup coffee maker that brews fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. They are designed for use with Melitta coffee pods, which are individually packaged portions of freshly ground gourmet coffee or tea. The pod-filter design guarantees perfectly sized servings every time with no mess and no clean up.

If pod coffee brewing appeals to your tastebuds, but seems a bit foreign to you, here's a tutorial to help you get started:

What do I need?

Not a whole heck of a lot! Obviously, you'll need to purchase a Melitta pod brewer, which costs approximately $49.99 and can brew two sizes the 5 oz. bold European-style coffee or the 8oz. traditional American style. The beauty of this pod brewer is that there is no measuring or mess involved. Once you fill up the 28-ounce metered tank with water, you can make up to 5 consecutive servings without refilling. The only other thing you will need to get started is a supply of coffee or tea pods, whichever your preference and, of course, an electrical outlet to plug the brewer in!

What can I brew?

The Melitta Coffee Pod brews just about anything, including light coffees like the Melitta One: Breakfast Blend; medium coffees like the Melitta One: Love at First Sip Pods; or dark coffees like the Melitta One: Buzzworthy Pods. The Pod also brews speciality flavored coffees like Crme Brulee, Pumpkin Spice or Southern Pecan. And for those coffee connoisseurs who love the taste, but hate the caffeine, you can always find decaf coffee pods such as the Melitta One: Skip the Buzz Pods.

Tea drinkers will also be pleased to know that they can enjoy their tea pod-style as well. Melitta One makes a variety of tea pod flavors such as green, raspberry and chai tea.

Coffee drinkers can even get a bit creative and enjoy their favorite brands of store-bought coffee by making their own coffee pods. Simply pour a few scoops of your favorite coffee into a small drip-style filter, fold over the edges and press the pod folds firmly with a vitamin jar, for example, and you can enjoy your very own homemade coffee pods.

Brewing How-To

Once you have your favorite Melitta coffee pod or homemade pod in hand, here's a step-by-step guide on how to get brewing:

1. Fill the water tank with water up to the "MAX" line. A full tank will yield up to 24-oz of coffee or tea, which is approximately three 8 oz. mugs.

2. Press the power light/indicator button. The indicator light will flash while the water heats up and heating will take approximately 1 minutes.

3. Open the lid.

4. Assemble the drip spout to the pod chamber.

5. Place the drip spout assembly inside the One:One.

Clean Up Is a Snap!

One of the great benefits to using a coffee pod like is that there is little cleanup and maintenance. Each of the pods can be used approximately two times, then discard. The water tank should be refreshed every day for best results and the drip spout assembly rinsed and thoroughly cleaned every few days.

It's a good idea to keep coffee pods in a cool, dry place away from direct light. Storing them in an airtight container may yield ultimate freshness.

Melitta coffee pods should be kept in a cool, dry place away from direct light. To lock in freshness, always store coffee pods in an airtight container. The coffee pods provide easy and quick solutions for those coffee and tea lovers who are on the go. They are simple to use and maintain and in this day and age of hustle and bustle are a real time saver.

About CoffeeCow goes to great lengths to provide the highest quality products, the fastest service, and the deepest discount prices you will find on Melitta coffee pods, single cup coffee makers, and a wide selection of related coffee supplies. Developed by coffee professionals with over 35 years of experience in fulfilling any coffee service need, CoffeeCow offers all the coffee conveniences for your home or office. Visit for more information.

R.L. Fielding Bio

R.L. Fielding has been a freelance writer for 10 years, offering her expertise and skills to a variety of major organizations in the education, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, financial services, and manufacturing industries. She lives in New Jersey with her dog and two cats and enjoys rock climbing and ornamental gardening.

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AdSense: Make Money Online Without Selling


I think the title of this article gives the best definition that can be found for the AdSense program of Google.

Through its AdSense program Google let you earn without the need for you to sell anything at all to anyone anywhere.

Many persons, including who is writing this article right now, are making money and receiving checks from Google month after month.

And there are many internet entrepreneurs that are generating higher incomes from participating in the AdSense program than from the direct sales of their own products or services.

All right, you are thinking that I told you something that simply has no meaning as earning money without selling.
How can it work?

The answer is simple, you are paid per click and not per sale.

The AdSense program of Google is a service that let you, and anyone else that provides some kind of content online, to become a publisher for the Pay Per Click advertising program they run.

You can see it as a triangle, where three different subjects are involved:

- Advertisers

- Google

- Publishers

The advertisers join Google PPC service (named AdWords) in order to promote their services or products to the huge audience that this giant search engine has each day.

They bid on specific keywords that are relevant to the services or products they sell and have their ads displayed on Google when searches are made for the chosen keywords.
They pay to Google for every visit to their sites that comes from this promotion, so they pay for each click.

Google then opened another service called AdSense that is an addition to AdWords.
It is a service for online publishers, and let you display on your web pages ads of the AdWords advertisers targeted to the keywords of your web pages.
It is all done automatically when you add the simple code that AdSense gives you once you are approved for their service.

Once a visitor of your sites clicks on one link of the AdSense ads that your site displays the AdWords advertiser is charged by Google for the click, or visitor that is delivered to his site, and you are credited by Google a share of that money in your AdSense account.

So you are paid for selling nothing at all, but just for the click that the AdSense ad received in one of your web pages.

Of course the Google AdWords advertisers are very interested in selling the products and services they promote paying for every visitor sent to their site, and I sincerely hope that the clicks that increase my AdSense income benefit the advertisers that pay me through Google, but this anyway is not my concern or something I have to worry when I create my sites and add the AdSense code to them.

I am more interested in creating web pages that are interesting for my visitors and provide them useful content.
I worry to provide them with explanations and links of good resources if I don't have directly the opportunity to offer them a product or a service, and the ads displayed by Google are an addition that can be interesting and useful for them and can increase my income.

I think it seems all very simple from the above explanations.
One thing that is very important to know is that the Google AdWords program is extremely crowded and there are really a lot of keywords and key phrases with big competition and very high bids.
This means that advertisers pay a lot of money for every single click for those keywords.

Of course also AdSense publishers can earn a lot of money if they have sites related to those keywords that receive many visitors and many clicks to the Google ads.

Gian L. Ruggeri and Michael Crownley teamed up to run a site dedicated to Earn With Google. You will find useful info and resources related to AdSense, AdWords and SEO.

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Aug 16, 2008

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