Blogger BlogNet27284

Health Drink - Beer and Milkshakes?


Based on research studies, even the most delicious drinks such as milkshakes, red wine and beer has good health benefits. Such as preventing certain cancers, strengthening the immune system and give us that healthy glow. And there's a lot more in the lists, grab a glass and try it.

1. Tomato juice- It reduces the bad cholesterol in our body. Based on research, Volunteer drinkers who took 13 1/2 ounces of it with 1 serving of ketchup everyday, dropped 13% of LDL cholesterol, in just 3 weeks.This is based from a research studies of Finland University of Oulu. Scientific researchers said that combinations of antioxidants form tomatoes, including Lycopene, beta carotene and gamma-carotene is one way of lowering cholesterol.

2. Lemonade- A glass of lemonade can prevents us from having cancer of the mouth, and larynx. Antioxidants from citrus fruits. Lemons, limes and oranges lessen the production of enzymes that can cause tumor and strengthens the immune system.

3. Red wine- Researcher Tony Brook of University of New York compared the drinking habits of red and white wine drinks and discovered something different. 68 % of people that has no cancer belongs to the red wine drinkers. Red and white wine differs in many things. Red wine has more resveratrol - a natural compound that is known to have cancer-fighting powers.

4. Green tea- Green tea definitely reduces the risk of certain cancers. It fights bad cholesterol and infections. Studies says that it also prevents Parkinson's disease. The central nervous system disorder that has no proven cure.

5. Milk shakes- Whenever you drink milkshakes, it makes you think that you're still young. It is rich in Vitamin D because it's dairy based, that slows down the aging process and reduce swelling. American and British researchers found out that women who are milk shake drinkers are biologically younger than non drinkers with the same age.

6. Beer- you heard it right. This drink helps us from getting Alzheimer's. Beer is rich in Silicon. An element that fights neurotoxins that cause Alzheimer's. It also helps us avoid osteoporosis, It's surprising to know that silicon in beer is much better than calcium, Making our bones stronger and healthier. Based on research studies, It was proven that a glass of beer a day is enough. Do not exceed from the said amount, we all know what can happen to us with too much beer. Be smart when drinking.

This is written by Ivy Cruz

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Health Insurance Over 50 And Under 65


If you are between the ages of 50 and 65 and you are going to be looking for health insurance or are looking for health insurance you need some help. This is a tough age (of course what age isn't starting with the terrible twos) because you are at a prime age to start developing health problems. Statistically speaking and statistics is the only language insurance companies speak, the insurance company can predict they are going to spend more on 50-65 year old than a 20-45 year old. For that reason premiums are much higher for the older person.

But, we Baby Boomers are a smart group and where there is a will, there is a way. So let's look at some of the options:

If you currently have a job and are looking to retire or start your own business, you have a couple of avenues you can investigate. First you can inquire if your company will let you buy health insurance through the company plan. If your company will let you do this your employer (assuming we are talking early retirement) may subsidize part of your premiums. If not, you still get group rates which are a whole lot cheaper than individual rates. If you are married and your spouse is still working strongly consider adding yourself to his/her plan if that option is available to you.

The next option (if you currently have a job which provides health insurance) is COBRA or Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. COBRA lets former employees and their dependents continue their employer's group coverage for up to 18 months. The best thing about COBRA is it is guaranteed. Your former employer's insurer can't turn you down even if you have a chronic medical condition. The worst thing about COBRA is the cost. Your employer generally covers 70% or more of your health insurance premium. With COBRA you have to pay the whole premium plus administrative costs. Industry surveys indicate based on an average premium (for 2007), a former employee would have to pay more than $373 a month for individual coverage and more than $1,008 a month for family coverage.

If you are not currently employed by a company who provides health insurance there are still choices for you. If you have pre-existing conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure you can receive coverage through a state high-risk health program designed to help those with medical conditions that prevent them from getting insurance. Again though like COBRA the premiums can be quite high.

You can also check out professional organizations you could join or are already affiliated with to see if they offer health insurance policies for members. Because these are group plans, the premiums may be less than what you would pay in the individual market.

Finally, there is the individual health insurance option. There has been some progress in terms of offerings of policies for the 50-65 year age group market mainly because insurers see this age group as a potential growth market. Many Baby Boomers are in good health and have higher income than younger people. Also insurance companies hope that retirees will still purchase their products, such as supplemental insurance, even after they're eligible for Medicare. Some of policies currently offered may have premiums as low as $200 per month for people who are in good health and willing to pay a high deductible. Many insurance advice columnists recommend combining a high deductible individual health insurance policy with a health savings account. HSA contributions are made with pretax dollars, and any money left over in the account at the end of the year is rolled over for future use. Withdrawals are not taxed if used for qualified medical expenses.

Get more help finding Health Insurance Over 50.

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Talking about good things to enjoy in pure honey as the world most complete food. It is the only food source known to contain twenty two nutrients for a balanced nutrition. Honey is medicinal, a natural antibiotic and multivitamins. It is a complete natural health formula as it has both preventive and curative medical power. "You will be very healthy and will notice it if it is taken regularly as it will become more of a preventive therapy than curative". The statistical data have linked sugar consumption with diabetes, high level of cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and short life span. Sugar is also referred to as dead and lifeless food with no nutritional value. Also regular consumption of sugar has hazardous and fatal consequences on health.

Honey is also said to be the only animal carbohydrates available to man by nature as sweetener. It is also the mildest, easiest to digest and easily assimilated by the body even with those having digestion problem. In fact, honey is the best source of quick and lasting energy." Even nutritionists have prove that all organs in the body such as the heart, kidneys, liver etc respond favourably well only to natural, undiluted honey and function optimally when taken regularly. "It is natural vitamins and minerals. It contains low calories and honey is ideal for weight watchers; good health and for general well being" of the body with instant natural energy and stamina to undertake daily activities.

Furthermore, honey contains natural anti-bacterial and other healing properties which assist in fighting and protecting from diseases. It can be used to treat eye diseases both in children and adults. It can also be used as a first aid treatment for those with burns. The healing effects of honey cannot be underestimated as it contain anti-microbial properties. Honey can also be used to treat ear infections, boost fertility and the mode of application.

Also talking about the healing properties of honey, honey has a long history dated to centuries and its use is without any side effect, provided it is not diluted or mixed with any other chemicals. "Honey is far better than sugar, saccharines, artificial sweeteners and other chemically formulated sweeteners. Many pharmaceutical companies uses it to formulate drugs as well as used it to coat many drugs. To be precise, many of the cough syrups are honey-based and have even shown that low calorie health food such as pure honey, if taken regularly, prolongs life and slow down the aging process".

Honey can be mixed with black soap to bath. This has the ability of renewing skin cells and moisturises the skin. Honey can also be used to fight many skin diseases or other dermal infections. To prepare honey-based anti-fungal, anti-bacterial lotion, mix natural sulfur with and regularly applied it regularly on skin infections or diseases. It is very most advisable for every one to emulate the interest of using honey in meals instead of sugar since honey has more trends health solutions than that of sugar whose the only advantage of it is just the sweet taste only but very destructive to human beings.

About The Author Ponnac Okwy, I'm An Ardent Writer On Health Reports To Health Magazines And Other Health Organisations. You Can Read More Of Health, Fitness, Care And Other Related Issues About Health In My Blog Site. Click Health Fitness And Care Blog To Read More.

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One of the most underutilized tools in the insurance world for self employed premium victims is the modern Health Savings Account or HSA.

I find in my work that most of the issues can be tied to either having a lazy health insurance agent who is not well studied, or a customer who makes too many assumptions on what is and what is not included in the benefits. My hope is to clarify the process in which a consumer or agent should utilize to put together a smart and prudent HSA for themselves, and reap the tax advantaged benefits in the process.

HSA plans are designed to have a higher than normal deductible, and as a beneficial result, a much lower monthly premium to be paid. The deductibles are either for a single person (which can run up to $5,000) and family (up to $10,000) but when the deductibles are covered, the procedure expenses are paid 100%. The money which a person SAVES on monthly premium is supposed to be invested in to the Health Savings Account, which can take the form of a separate bank account at most major banks, or an investment fund approved for HSA deposits typically paying more interest benefit. A debit card is issued for the account chosen, and all prescriptions, medical procedures, dental, vision, and any other health related bill is paid from the account. As long as the account is used properly for medical expenses, the money invested into the account is tax advantaged: Up to $2850 for singles, $5650 for families, and is arguably the thrilling part of having one.

So what can possibly go wrong with the mathematics?

The obvious answer is more of a question, which is what happens if somebody needs major surgery (or these days, even simple outpatient surgery) before the HSA savings account has had enough time to build up to enough to cover deductibles and medications? Therefore, self-employed families should be especially careful with their cash flow ability when choosing the maximum deductible in the first place,

Having said that, another approach to policy design is to add enough ancillary and separate accident and critical care coverage to off-set a major shock, such as cancer, loss of limbs, any accident, and the most expensive surprises. This enables a person or family to keep the premiums somewhat at bay, but covers the very real possibility of needing $10,000 or $20,000 cash immediately to pay for an emergency room, or other catastrophe. There is no better policy combination that I know of than a federally mandated (standards) HSA Major Medical Plan combined with the correct ancillary items, when taken in to proportion of monthly premium benefit and overall safety from unexpected events.

The key to all of this for the self employed health insurance buyer is to work with a health agent who cares enough to dig in to the details of what ancillary policies would be best, covering everything from accidents and the top illnesses, to which discount program to use for dental and vision. If you do not have guarantees in all of these areas, coming up with large amounts of cash or credit for a surgery or other event could be horrible.

The HSA is one of the best weapons for the highest payers of health insurance, which are self employed individuals with no group plan to cover them. Take advantage of any of the top company plans, and choose your agent carefully. There are plenty of reliable health insurance companies out there. Find an agent that knows what ancillary tools to put in to perfect your HSA, and reap the premium and tax advantaged savings for you and yours.

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One of the best ways to compare homeowners insurance rates is by getting multiple quotes online. All the major insurance companies have websites that offer this free service in the hopes that you'll become their customer. You will also find websites that work with 4 or more insurance providers and will return multiple quotes. This not only gives you numbers to compare but also save time because you only need to fill out the online form once.

One of the best parts of comparing insurance quotes online is not having to deal with pushy insurance salesmen. You also don't have the inconvenience of filling out paper work and making repeated trips to the insurance company's local office. Everything you need to do can be done right from your computer in your own home. It really is quite easy to do insurance comparison shopping which can translate to monthly savings for you.

Here are five good advantages to comparing home insurance rates online:

1. The convenience of doing your personal business right at home is hard to beat.

2. The time savings can't be overstated. No need to make appointments with insurance sales people and the trips to see them.

3. The speed and ease with which you get your quotes can't be beat. Filling out the online forms takes a few minutes and once you hit the submit button you'll have your quotes within a few minutes.

4. Getting multiple quotes is one of the best ways to save money on your insurance premiums. It allows you to pick the best coverage at the best price that fits your needs.

5. Doing you business online brings a certain amount of comfort to the situation. With no pressure from sales people you can take your time and choose which companies quote works best for you.

Saving money is the reason you want to compare homeowners insurance rates online. Doing this can mean extra money in your bank account every month that can be used for better financial gains.

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Best home owner insurance for a lot less: This article will show you other things you can do to get lower rates. Also take note of the precaution you are advised to take as you implement these tips...

1. Don't insure your house along with the land it is standing on as this will cost you more but quite unnecessary. Some folks pay much more than they should on home insurance on account of this mistake. They just insure their house for its complete value without deducting the cost of the land.

If you did this quickly call your agent and re-evaluate your home insurance policy. Deduct the land's price and you'll realize that you will need far less coverage.

Your premium will be more affordable and you'll still have adequate coverage if you do this right. Bear it in mind that insuring the land your house is standing on is real waste of money because it does you no good whatsoever.

2. Endeavour to place fire extinguishers at important points in your home. Your kitchen is one crucial point to have one or more functional fire extinguishers. You must as well ensure that it's adequate for your kind and size of kitchen.

And, don't forget that you must keep them within easy reach. Doing this will help you lower your rates.

3. A typical vehicle garage has highly inflammable liquids. To be on a safer side, make sure your garage is at a safe distance from your residential structure and you'll likely enjoy a better rate. You can get details of the recommended distance and how much you will get as discount for this from your agent.

4. Installing a sprinkler will make you eligible for considerable discounts. Sprinklers are very useful in putting off fires and, by extension, reduce fire damage. Even though they're by no means cheap, they'll bring you remarkable discounts. You can pay back over several years thus reducing the difficulty in spending the amount involved in such a project.

5. Does your house have fire escapes? If you say "yes" then make sure your agent knows about it as it should get you a small discount. Don't forget to tell your agent even if all your home has as fire escapes are rope ladders. Folks who don't have these will attract cheaper rates if they put in place the right kind and number for their home. Ask your agent to see what qualifies you for such a discount.

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What are Discount Health Plans?


As anyone who has had to pay for health insurance recently can tell you, the cost of providing health insurance for a family of 4 has risen tremendously over the past few decades. Many small and medium size industries can no longer continue to provide their workers with expensive health insurance benefits. In recent years, employees have had to pay a larger percentage of their health insurance costs, and many businesses have terminated their health insurance benefits, altogether. Other companies have cut down on the number of full time workers hired, so that they can save the cost of providing health insurance for their employees.

Should you find yourself in the unfortunate position of working for a company that does not provide health insurance benefits, most likely you will either have to purchase an expensive major medical policy on your own or do without. Because the high cost of major medical insurance can be out of reach for many, some families will choose to go without these important benefits entirely. The cost of health insurance can take a big bite out of a middle income familys budget. These families are truly caught between. They earn too much to qualify for Medicaid and other government assistance programs, but do not earn enough to afford the high cost of health insurance. Even if an individual can afford the high price of health insurance, if a patient suffers from a chronic illness like diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, high cholesterol, or heart disease, he or she can be denied coverage. People have even been turned down for excess weight and prescription drug use. It seems like the big insurance companies are looking for reasons not to insure people, so those individuals who need it most may find themselves without any benefits.

Fortunately, discount health plans offer families a way to save money on their health care costs. But what are discount health plans, and how can they be used to help families and businesses?

Discount health plans can be used in several different ways. For those individuals or families that lack dental or health insurance, discount medical plans can be used as stand alone health programs. These discount plans provide needed savings on all medical and dental services. Consumers can even save money on medical costs not normally covered by traditional insurance such as cosmetic surgery, cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, orthodontia, Lasik eye surgery, and even alternative medicine. Unlike traditional insurance there are no limits on visits or services, no waiting periods, no age limits, and ongoing conditions are accepted.

Businesses can save money by purchasing a high deductible health savings account or hospital only plan. A discount medical plan is purchased along with the high deductible plan. These supplemental benefits provide savings on routine health expenditures while the catastrophic insurance provides a safety net for lengthy hospitalizations and complex care. By combining a high deductible plan with a discount health plan, companies can save money on their health insurance benefits while providing their valued employees with needed financial security.

The discount dental plan is probably the most popular discount health program. Statistics show that seven out of ten Americans do not have a dental plan. Among the 30% that do have dental insurance, most are underinsured. Many dental plans do not provide treatment for ongoing conditions, have expenditure limits, waiting periods, and often dont provide for even necessary procedures such as orthodontic treatment. Cosmetic dentistry and implants are usually not covered.

Discount dental plans provide the consumer with an excellent choice for saving money on dental care. These affordable dental plans are reasonably priced alternatives to expensive dental insurance plans. Savings can range from 25% for specialist treatment to 80% for exams. Most major dental procedures such as fillings, root canals, dentures, crowns and bridges, and orthodontic treatment are available through plan dentists at a 50% to 60% discount--literally cutting a familys dental bill in half. In addition, patients with pre-existing conditions can qualify for these plans, and there are no limits on visits or services. Often these affordable dental plans offer value added services such as a prescription card, discounts on eyeglasses and contact lenses, and savings on chiropractic treatment.

Many discount health programs also offer a basic health plan which provides savings on medical examinations and physician visits. Ancillary services such as laboratory tests, imaging studies (MRIs, CAT scans, mammograms), physical therapy, diabetic supplies, hearing aids, and mental health services are also provided at significant discounts. A 24/7 nurse line and wellness programs may also be included in a good discount health program. Should hospitalization become necessary, the patient will be assigned an advocate who will negotiate the hospital bill and work out a payment plan based on the patients ability to pay. Hospital bills have been drastically reduced through these advocacy programs. One company, AmeriPlan USA, has even added a prescription advocacy program. This program takes advantage of patient assistance programs available through major pharmaceutical companies. Individuals with over $90 per month of prescription expenses, who meet income eligibility requirements, may be able to receive all or most of their medications for just the cost of a small monthly service fee.

Most discount health plan companies also offer a combined medical and dental discount plan. This program combines dental, vision, prescription, and chiropractic benefits with discounts on physician visits, lab tests, ancillary services, and hospital advocacy.

When looking for a discount health plan, here are some things to consider. Look for a company that is a member of both the Consumer Health Alliance and the National Association of Dental Plans. These two organizations set strict standards for discount dental and medical programs and are your assurance of the companys integrity and reputation. Also look for a plan that offers a good choice of dentists, doctors, and other healthcare providers in your area. The company should also provide an 800 customer service number, a schedule of provider fees and services, and informational booklets and websites.

Helene Zemel, M.A., M.B.A. is a Regional Sales Director for AmeriPlan USA. For more information visit: For a discussion on healthcare issues and alternative medicine choices visit her blog at:

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Sep 2, 2008

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