Blogger BlogNet27284

Website Hosting Decisions Made Easy


I have been creating websites for several years now and started out with very basic needs. Initially I was satisfied with a very basic free package that did everything I thought I needed at that time. This was a simple package that was included for free with my high speed internet access.

With these types of packages, the number of features is extremely limited but it will introduce you to the basic processes. Although they might appear totally unacceptable to the experienced webmaster, they are not all that bad. This is a way to learn the basics at no cost.

More serious involvement and desire for a better website lead me through another progression. This was still in the free webhosting realm though. I began experimenting with the other types of free websites offered by places such as Yahoo and Geocities. This seemed like a great progression for me at the time and I was quite proud of the achievement.

Again, although these hosting packages are looked down on by the experienced webmasters, they filled a need. I learned more about creating websites for free while on a gentle learning curve.

I then made the big move to paid website hosting. At this point I created websites in which I had much greater control over the appearance and functionality. The learning curve has been steeper since then. The hosting packages today permit anyone to create professional looking websites that permit interaction of all sorts with the viewers. Most packages have server side web creation software to build very nice looking websites that will serve most basic requirements.

Most of the offerings today are very similar in pricing and features. There are a couple of areas that I suggest you look at very carefully. These may well be the most important differences in the offerings.

One important feature you should understand on signup is the term bandwidth. Many applications such as the very popular blogging can ultimately generate considerable traffic and resources demands on your hosting package. This is where you will sort out the wheat from the chaff. Some packages simply do not permit the resource load (bandwidth) that many common applications require. This could be cause for them to suspend website activity at any time with no notification. This will be very frustrating for you.

I have left another issue to the very last because from my experienced point of view it is the very most important and possibly misrepresented by some webhosting providers.

I don't care how good you are or how experienced you are in building and uploading websites; there are times when you are going to require support from your website hosting provider. Now some of these people go to great lengths to proclaim that is a priority. Unfortunately that is not always the truth. Nothing is more frustrating than having a website that is not functioning properly and not permitting potential viewers to access it.

You will be pulling your hair out if you have an issue and you can't get anyone to respond to your pleas for help. I strongly suggest you research customer testimonials or forums to confirm there record of satisfaction. Remember that if you have good support, you will work through any issue in putting up and maintaining your website.

For more information about website hosting issues please visit

Evaluating E-commerce Hosting Plans


Besides the requirements of standard web hosting plans, Web hosting for e-commerce operation needs a shopping cart that supports online catalog and online payment processing.

Standard Web Hosting Plans

Standard hosting plans varies in terms of programming languages, operating systems and server performance. The commonly used web development languages include PHP, ASP, JSP and PERL. The hosting plans that support those programming languages are referred as PHP Web hosting, ASP Web hosting, JSP Web hosting or PERL Web hosting.
Once you've picked up the programming language(s) for your Web development, you still have freedom to choose the operating system that hosts your Websites. Besides ASP which works only on Microsoft Windows, PHP, JSP and PERL work on Windows, Unix and Linux. Hosting plans that support particular operating systems are referred as Window Hosting, Unix Hosting or Linux hosting. When webmasters are talking about Web servers, they're most interested in the server performance - Managed Web Hosting, Shared Hosting, Dedicated Servers, or Virtual Private Servers (VPS). Shared hosting is the cheapest plan, and you can host as many sites as you like with a Reseller Hosting option. VPS costs around $50 a month, and Dedicated Server plan will cost from $50 - $100 or more a month dependent on storage space and bandwidth of the hosting plan.

E-commerce Web Hosting Plans

Evaluation of e-commerce web hosting plans involves investigation of needed functionality and price comparison of each plan. The comparison of functionality is straight forward, but the comparison of cost for different e-commerce hosting solutions is little bit tricky. Different hosting plans may have different free structures. The cost of each hosting plan often varies on transaction volume. EBay Stores, Yahoo! Store and Microsoft bCentral are the most popular turn-key commerce solutions for small businesses that want to setup online stores easily and fast.

When comparing functionality, therere many questions to ask: 1) whether a shopping cart accepts online check or eCheck beside support on online credit card and paypal for payment options; 2) whether theres a limit on the number of products and categories that you can setup; 3) whether it automatically sends out an email notification once an order is placed successfully.

When looking at the cost of commerce operation, youll need to ask questions about 1) whats the basic monthly subscription fee; 2) whether theres a setup fee for a new online store; 3) whether you have to pay for the addition of new items to the product catalog; 4) how much it charges for each transaction. High volume sites may prefer the plans that charge a higher monthly-fee but a lower fee on each transaction, while low volume sites work better with hosting plans that charge zero or low monthly fee and initial setup fees but a slightly higher fee on each transaction.

Bruce Zhang has over 10 years of experience in web development and managing web servers. He currently manages dozens of websites using ASP Web Hosting, Budget Hosting, Reseller Hosting, eCommerce Hosting, FrontPage Web Hosting for web hosting needs.

What do you react when your current web hosting provider grade of service has degraded very much or the provider has just stopped their business? In a sudden you received a notification from the host or your website is down totally, please don't panic; what you need to do is just look for a new web host provider and switch it over. If you know a little bit of the web hosting tactics, then transferring your account over to a new provider will not be as harsh or bad as you think, most of the web host can help you to do the account transfer process at no cost. After all, all it needs to take is getting a contingency plan as a backup.

There are two factors to internet web hosting services which included the physical network connection to your web server and the connection to the network services so that you can retrieve email from your domain account or let your visitors view your web-site all the time.

Most internet businesses, no matter how big or small, they surely will need to have network integration from a web server located on a data center or directly from their home and office. This is also known as Wide Area Network (WAN). The connection made through the network allows you to physically connect to the internet to look at web pages that hosted all your websites, use all the web facilities such as managing webmail or email accounts either through the web browser or mail client software.

This wide area network connects your websites to the internet. The services that you get out of the network is depend on the type of web host configuration. Again, the type of web host service you get should depend on what's available in your package and how much bandwidth or monthly transfer allocated to your account in order to have all your business applications to up and running or developing a custom applications for your hosting account.

As you can see, at this time, some peoples are hosting their own mail server or websites through their own home or office network, while most other business owners chose their hosting provider from a reputable web hosting company that owned or leased their web servers from a data center.

Lastly, you had better look at the types of requirements that you want for your websites. To get more details on web hosting, simply visit the below resource link.

Are you looking for an affordable, cheap and reliable shared web hosting, reseller web hosting or master reseller web hosting? Please visit now to read more details or you can also visit the author hosting blog at for new educative articles on web hosting.

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Aug 2, 2008

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