Blogger BlogNet27284

Do You Want To Make Money Online? Then You Must Read This Article


There are many people that want to make money online, and that's wonderful. The problem is that there are a few things that must be considered before you embark on becoming the next internet millionaire. Contrary to popular belief, making money on the internet isn't as easy as say.....winning the lottery. Making money on the internet is just like making money doing anything.....there's work involved. Before you make the decision to attempt to make money online, consider these points.

1) Traffic doesn't just magically come to your website. You have to "go out and get" traffic. Most people don't realize this. They have the Field of Dreams mentality, "if you build it, they will come." Let me clue you in.....they don't just come, in many respects, you have to go get them.

2) Simply being an affiliate for other products isn't going to make you wealthy. For example, many people believe that slapping an Amazon banner on their site will generate orders. Nope, without traffic it doesn't matter who you affiliate with. Being affiliated with good companies is great and something you should probably do, but again it doesn't matter without traffic.

3) Like any endeavor that you undertake with the goal of generating abundance, there's going to be an investment of money involved. To actually make money online, you're going to have to invest money into your online business. It's as simple as that. If you opened a pizza shop, it would require you to invest money. The online arena is no different.

4) You've probably heard a lot about lists. Email lists to be exact. All of the experts say that you must have a big list, and to continually build your list. If you're just starting out, this means that you have to buy email addresses. This costs money. You hear a lot about opt-in lists, which simply means that a person decided to sign up for your newsletter or e-zine. This is absolutely the best kind of list to have, but what the "experts" fail to mention is the fact that it's difficult (at best) to get people to voluntarily sign up for your e-zine or newsletter. Impossible.......absolutely not, just more difficult than most people let on, and you should be aware of that fact.

5) Making money online is exactly like making money in any other business, the method is just a little bit different. Many so called experts make the internet out to be something that it's simply not. Making money online requires work, just as making money anywhere does.

Keep these points in mind as you move forward. All the success in the world is available; I just wanted to clear up a bit of the misinformation floating around out there. If none of these points scare the living daylights out of you and you still want to make money online, good for you! Keep in mind what Jim Rohn says about money as you move forward, "Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time."

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Make money Online From Earth

Play Pokemon Online


The people in charge of making Pokemon popular again have done a great job. Pokemon was big a few years ago and it's recently made an amazing comeback. A whole new generation of kids are trying to catch them all.

It's a very good time to be a Pokemon fan. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl for the Nintendo DS have been in the Top 10 best selling games for months now and the Diamond and Pearl cartoon is pretty popular too. But why stop there? I have a vision and Pokemon people feel free to borrow this idea from me, that would make Pokemon an even more dominant gaming franchise. I'd like to see a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) based on the world of Pokemon.

Sure, I know that's there's a few Pokemon games online like Pokemon Crater and Pokemon Online (POL) but those games are pretty simple and based on the game play of the Game Boy Advance version of Pokemon. And I don't even think that Nintendo has anything to do with them. They could be one cease and desist letter away from being shut down.

I'd like to see a World of Warcraft style Pokemon game online. Use the same story line and game play as Diamond and Pearl but put the players in a cartoonish 3D environment. Choose your trainer avatar and start your adventure. Think about how cool it would be to wander around different towns and cities, catch wild Pokemon, train them, battle other trainers, do gym battles, collect badges and enter tournaments and do it all in a online 3D environment that you share with other Pokemon trainers. And to make it interesting they could add some members of Team Rocket to mix. Jessie and James could be bots that come along and try to steal your Pokemon.

This would be a great game for the Wii's Online Service. Pokemon Battle Revolution is out and it already has online play in Japan but that game is just an extension of Diamond and Pearl. Without a DS, that game isn't too good. No, they need to start over with a whole new online Pokemon game.

The Nintendo Wii is the hottest selling new video game console right now and it's outselling the PS3 and XBox 360. The Wii is still hard to find in the stores and that isn't going to change anytime soon. The Wii's only weakness seems to be it's online play which is weak at best. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is going to have online play but it's release has been pushed back to February. My Worlds of Warcraft Pokemon game idea (let's call it Worlds of Pokemon for this article) if done right, could become the game that puts the Wii Online Service on the map.

Hopefully someone at Nintendo has already come up with this idea and programmers are already hard at work on Worlds of Pokemon. If not, then I hope they have enough free time to read this article and get inspired.

When Anthony Tripp isn't teaching his son how to catch them all, he's coming up with ideas about how to play Pokemon online and writing about it on his blog,

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Sep 8, 2008

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