Blogger BlogNet27284

Trying to Sleep on a Plane? Here's Some Tips


Sleeping on a plane comes easily for a few people - my husband being one of them. For the rest of us, trying to sleep on a plane is frustrating to the max. I could sleep more easily in a room full of hyperactive kindergartners than an economy-class plane seat.

If you have problems sleeping on a plane, here are some tips to help.

Get the right seat: try for a window set, in a row where seats recline (some seats don't.) Being in the window seat lets you lean against the wall when trying to rest. The downside of sitting in the window seat is that it's much harder to get to the aisle if you need to use the facilities. Life's a tradeoff.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol: this should be common sense. Caffeine makes us jittery, and alcohol makes us sleep less deeply. Be aware that studies show the effect of alcohol on a plane is double that of drinking on the ground.

Give yourself room: having enough legroom can make a big difference in your ability to get comfortable. When traveling on a long flight, I make a point of only carrying on one bag...and putting it in the overhead storage. I try to only put my laptop, a couple books, and my sleep accessories in the underseat storage.

Try to fall asleep early: it's usually easiest to enter a drowsy state during takeoff. I'm told that during takeoff the cabin has decreased oxygen levels and an increased G-force. The combination of these makes us drowsy. Whatever the reason, I do tend to nod off more easily prior to getting into the air.

Use sleep accessories: a pillow and blanket are crucial to managing your comfort. Earplugs (wax, not foam) and eye masks make a big difference as well.

Before you head out for your next flight, take a few minutes to prepare with some of these tips. You'll have a lot better chance of catching some z's, finally sleeping on a plane.

Beth B is a technology consultant who travels nearly every week. She shares these and other tips and experiences from the road well-traveled at

Australia Holidays

Many people have the common question, how do hybrid cars work? The answer is twofold; the hybrid car that sells on the market today like the Prius for example, runs on an electric battery and gasoline. The assistance of the battery allows the car to use less gas, resulting in way better gas mileage and less pollution from your car's emissions.

But there is another type of hybrid car and it works a little bit different. In fact, the car your currently own can be converted to a water hybrid with a water hybrid conversion kit. Instead of having to buy a whole new car which can be pretty expensive, you can convert your car to run on water and gas. This is something that someone with little mechanical aptitude can do, with many readily available items from the hardware store.

So how do water gas hybrid cars work?

Basically, the device (once installed to your car's engine) converts water into its gas form which is known as HHO gas, or Brown's gas. This gas is a combustible gas which is powerful enough to run a vehicle. Once the HHO gas burns, it turns directly back into water! This simple water for gas conversion can actually improve your gas mileage easily by around 25%.

So, in a way this water hybrid conversion car works very much like the other hybrid only it's hydrogen assisting your car's gasoline instead of a battery. This can be much more cost effective than buying a brand new fact, it's quite a tremendous difference!

Many are skeptical about this actually working and are quite surprised when they find out that the technology has been around well over 20 years. It never became mainstream because the inventor of this process died an untimely death before the fruitation of his labour. With the advent of the internet and freedom to information it is again taking the world by storm.

Can you imagine one day a vehicle that runs entirely on water and is no longer reliant on fossil fuels?

Saving money on gas is a vital requirement for most people today. With the expense of life increasing, economies decreasing and gas prices soaring, everyone has begun the struggle to improve their gas mileage and finding more ways to save on gas.


Outdoor Living is a Way of Life


When summer finally comes, outdoor living becomes a way of life for many people. Outdoor living encompasses more than just the right garden furniture, but is a way of life.

When choosing furniture for outdoor living, you can choose from a variety of materials and wood. Whether you choose teak or iron, you should look for furniture that will be durable in the climate in which you live and also offers comfort.

Outdoor living furniture no longer is restricted to stiff plastic chairs or wrought iron. You can choose from a variety of different materials used to make the furniture and cushions to put on the furniture, all of which are made durable for outdoor living. Some of the furniture that you will see looks as if it belongs inside.

In addition to garden furniture, outdoor living should encompass everything that will make you comfortable when you are outdoors. One thing that some people like to use are tents for shading. When sitting outdoors in the summer, it can get quite hot under the sun. Tents can give you shade and allow you to sit in comfort. Tents are made as shading solutions for outdoor living today. If you think of a tent as something that you see at camp, think again. Those that are used in outdoor living are made to look eye pleasing with the finest materials. They will not only add shade, but beauty to your garden. Some are lavishly designed, with large cloth curtains to seal off wind or bugs at night

Accessories such as tables, fountains and candles can all be purchased at fine shops where you can get the very best when it comes to garden furniture. When shopping for garden furniture for summer living, make sure that you do not skip the internet. There are many shops online that offer the very best when it comes to these types of products.

Another way of shading is to use umbrellas over your garden furniture, especially when it comes to tables and chairs. Most of the best umbrellas today employ state of the art technology when it comes to opening and closing as well as keeping you properly shaded.

Do yourself a favor and take advantage during the time of year that you have to enjoy the beauty of being outdoors. Years ago, it was commonplace for people to virtually move outdoors in the summer to escape the heat from their homes. They often slept on porches and verandas under the stars. Today, you do not have to go to such extremes, but you can enjoy the warm weather and your garden when you choose garden furniture that will be comfortable and durable.

Make yourself a promise to do more outdoor living this summer. Take a look at some of the garden furniture that is available in the finest shops or online venues. Make sure that you consider shading as it can get hot outside in the summer and also make your veranda or patio more inviting with accessories.

Hal Lewis writes informative articles for, who specializes in outdoor living & garden landscaping items.

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Flagstone is a relatively popular stone when it comes to home improvement projects. This stone is typically flat, and can be used for a number of different things. The rock in which this substance is derived from is a sedimentary type. When pulled, it is cut in such a manner that it can be used for projects like creating a walkway. There are many different components that are found in this stone type.

Many refer to it as "sandstone" as it contains so many different elements. It is common to find quartz, calcium, and silica in this type of rock. This stone can be found exhibiting a number of different colors. The flexible color schemes make it an ideal solution for various projects in and around the home. You can find colors like browns, blues, reds, and even mixed colors. Here, you will learn a few interesting things about flagstone as well as a few ideas for integrating the use of this rock.

What is Flagstone Used For?

There are many unique uses when it comes to flagstone. Many individuals elect to use this stone when purchasing slabs for paving purposes - such as creating driveways, and even roadways that lead to the home. Many individuals who choose to put up s structurally sound fence around the home, or decorative areas in the yard - such as a garden or a pond - implement the use of this type of rock to do so. If you observe the architecture of homes that are designed in a Spanish style, it is common to observe this type of stone on the roofs.

Not just any home can support the weight of the slabs, of course. However, for those homes that can, this can be rather appealing. Many patios and sidewalks implement flagstone. You can also find memorials and stones in various cemeteries around the world composed of this substance.

Types of Flagstone

There are many different types of this stone in circulation today. Listed below, you will find a small list of the many different types of flagstone, as well as a small description of each. Keep in mind, though, that there are many varieties of this particular stone.

1. Patterned - This type of stone matches in dimension and overall appearance, with one exception - the colors.

2. Chilton Steppers - These stones are various and odd shapes and sizes, but are combined to create a unique appearance.

3. Chaison - This type of stone also makes good use of various shapes, sizes, and colors to bring about a unique appearance.

Where to Find Flagstone

There are actually quite a few places where you can find this type of decorative rock. However, it is important to ensure that when you find an outlet for these stones that they are natural and not synthetic. While synthetic is appropriate for those with a limited budget, they lack the natural beauty and appeal that natural flagstone offers. If you are interested in purchasing flagstone for your home improvement projects, this is an excellent choice! You are sure to be pleased with the final results offered.

Looking for a Flagstone supplier in Wisconsin? View the many different styles of landscape stone that Halquist Stone has to offer. For more information, call (262) 246-9000 or visit to request a free brochure on Bay De Noc stone, Flagstone Pavers and many more unique building and landscaping stones.

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There are plenty of ways to shop for and save on auto insurance. The following tips could save you quite a bit of money.

1. Understand your coverage - you can learn about all of the different coverage options. There are optional coverage's that you may or may not need depending on your situation. Take an interest in your coverage and decide what is best for you.

2 Insure your car where your home and personal property is insured. This multi line discount can account for savings of ten to twenty percent

3. Insure all of the vehicles in the household under one policy. Most companies offer a multi vehicle discount which accounts for further savings of ten to twenty percent on each vehicle.

4. Choose a higher deductible (if you can afford it if a claim occurs). When getting quotes ask what the next, higher, deductible is and you could save five to ten percent.

5. Drive safe! Having an at-fault accident substantially increases your rates for up to six years after the accident.

6. Tickets increase your rates. A speeding ticket every few years is not a big deal. A major ticket or many small tickets in a short time really can increase your rates.

7. Reduce the distance you commute - the closer you live to work or school, the lower your rates will be. Let your insurance company know if you take public transit instead of driving to work.

8. If you are a new driver take a driver training course. Most insurers give you credit for extra years of experience because of driver training.

9. The automobile you drive impacts your rates but your driving experience and record matter more.

10. Shop around. Get 3-4 different quotes. When getting quotes, be sure to ask what coverage is recommended. Decide what coverage you want to have and then ask for quotes on the same coverage from all of the sources you are requesting

11. Understand the different ways to buy insurance (direct, through an agent, or through a broker). The direct might save over buying through an agent or broker. But will you get the same level of personal service as a local agent or broker would give.

Tips two, three and four alone can save you as much as half! Number five and six are extremely important. Drivers with bad driving records can expect to pay as much as five to ten times more than those drivers with clean records.

"Auto Insurance - 11 Tips For Better Auto Insurance Quotes" is written by an insurance broker from Ontario, Canada. Insurance policies and licensing vary from place to place so do keep that in mind If you keep the tips in mind when shopping around, you can save on your insurance.

For more information on auto insurance, or most other types of insurance, please visit Canada Insurance Source

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Nothing is better than to sit back and watch a kitten play! They are hilarious and heartwarming and at the same time, a wonderful pet. Kittens can be a lot of work in their first few months of life, but after they grow a little, you will end up with a pet fit for kings. An adult cat, depending on his age, will keep that tendency to play and have goofy antics as well. All this action in both cats and kittens comes from their instincts to hunt. When looking to get a cat or kitten as a pet, follow these tips:

Remember to keep in mind other pets you may have at home. An adult cat may not get along with other cats or dogs. Introducing them could be tricky. The rule to follow here is play it by ear and if you do bring home a cat or a kitten, monitor the meetings with other pets very closely. You don't want to end up with a vets bill from a fight. You don't need this !

The different breeds of cats is something else to think about. A short haired breed is easier to take care of as far as grooming goes. A long-haired breed will require a good brushing at least every other day to prevent mattes from forming. You probably don't need to worry about bathing a cat. They do a good job of this on their own.

Having an adult cat will probably be easier than taking on a kitten. Usually, keeping an adult cat indoors is fairly simple. Litter training is a natural act for cats. Most of the time, all you have to do is show them where the litter box is and they'll go there every time. Kittens are the same way, but they may take a little more coaching. They will go to the box, but most mistakes are right around the box. A good idea is to put the litter box on floor without carpets, easy clean-up!

Having children around a cat or a kitten isn't a big danger if you supervise them together. Some cats are laid back and will let you roll all over him just for the attention. Then there are cats who don't like all the attention. Older cats usually fall into this category. With any animal, don't leave children alone with them to keep down bites and scratches.

Whether you decide on a cat or kitten, you will need to have the necessary items for care. A litter box, a good brand of clay litter, the correct food, and lots of toys, especially if it's a kitten you are bringing home.

As for diet, don't feed table scraps. This will result in a terrible mess in the litter box! There are brands of cat food for adult cats and there are brands just for kittens. Make sure you get kitten food for a kitten because it is formulated with special nutrients for a kitten's growing needs.

For further information, please visit Information about Pets


Abdul Hayi Mansoor
SEO Specialist and Article Marketer

cat advice

Blogger BlogNet27284: Aug 26, 2008

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