Blogger BlogNet27284

The Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Health


Bacteria affecting our gums if enters into the blood can create a havoc in the body. This explains the connection between the oral health and overall health. The state of our overall health is easily known by oral health. Our mouth is normally found to have more bacteria and these bacteria can be controlled by oral health care practices such as daily flossing and brushing our teeth. Some harmful bacteria affect our healthy gums which enter our bloodstream leading to health problems in the body. According to a research, it is found that the advanced stage of gum disease i.e. Periodontitis is linked with health problems such as stroke, heart disease and high blood sugar levels.

Dental care and health care is more important for a child as well as an adult. Children affected by dental ailments are less likely to participate in children's group play. A debilitating toothache for an adult might result or may disturb his whole day, more than a bad tooth. Dental health is found to be one of the attributes to physical health.

Most people are less likely to have dental coverage due to unaffordable premiums resulting in health care crisis. Uninsured patients are likely to visit hospital emergency rooms twice as those with insurance. People along with their children should be eligible for routine and emergency dental care and health care at a very low cost, since many families are unable to afford health care and good dental treatment. This imperative that people should have a good dental insurance plan and proper health care plan calls for an action to spread the word about having dental discount plans.

To avoid medical catastrophe, dental insurance coverage followed by health care insurance is essential for people. Health care insurance provides protection against any injury or illness. Even in this day and age, large group of people simply cannot afford to pay for any kind of health care and dental insurance. Therefore, to make health care reach everybody, Ameriplan has come up with a good health care plan and dental coverage plan which allows people to get good dental insurance which reduces the cost of routine dental care and health care. For more information about Ameriplan Health and Ameriplan dental insurance plan, visit


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Ongoing health issues not only damage quality of life; they can also wreak havoc on finances. Fortunately, if your old ways of earning a living become impossible, you need not despair. You can take positive steps to improve your cash flow:

1. Know your rights. If you suffered an on-the-job injury or car accident, you might qualify for Workman's Compensation or Disability Insurance. Contact your state's Workman's Compensation Department, and/or ask someone to review your insurance policy. Depending on the severity and duration of your symptoms, you might also be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). These options require significant paperwork and follow-thru, but they can sometimes keep you afloat when income plummets. (Keep in mind that SSI limits your ability to receive money from other sources, so consult with an attorney or social worker before you apply for benefits. Even if you do meet the criteria, people often need to submit multiple appeals before they see any checks. If you expect permanent disability and want SSI, it pays to get an early start and remain persistent.)

2. Get proper treatment. When poor health keeps you from working, getting well makes good financial sense. If your symptoms mystify your doctors, you might want to explore the possibility of often misdiagnosed conditions like Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Post Traumatic Vision Syndrome, and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Traditional medicine marginalizes neurological symptoms and chronic pain, but some experts specialize in these conditions. Do your research. Finding the right treatment provider(s) can start you on the path to physical and financial recovery.

3. Contact organizations designed to help you. For example, if you experience visual problems, call your state's Society for the Blind and Visually Impaired. They can sometimes provide software or hardware to enlarge computer screens, create auditory versions of the written word, offer job retraining or funding for treatment options. Suffered trauma? Ask your hospital about occupational therapy (O.T.) options. Investigate local, state and national organizations that offer scholarships or grants for people with various disabilities or backgrounds.

4. Become an affiliate. If you already recommend products or books to people you know, you can become a ClickBank or Amazon affiliate. This need not involve posting online ads or giving a major sales pitch. It just means you can earn commissions for products you already recommend. ClickBank sellers usually offer 50% or more commission, and Amazon "Associates" earn up to 10% on qualifying purchases. If you find yourself raving about particular products or services, find out if the company will compensate you for referrals.

5. Get creative. Some of our greatest artists and writers began their careers while bedridden or house bound. The lawyer Henri Matisse only started painting during a long recovery from appendicitis. "is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization committed to empowering trauma survivors with effective expressive outlets via internet art gallery, outreach programs, national exhibitions, publications and development of employment skills." They aim "to enable the survivor/artists to display and market their works to give them recognition, hope and direction by implementing this innovative approach to healing." Kaleidoscope Magazine of United Disability Services publishes creative work by, for or about people with disabilities-including award winning content by some of the best writers of our time. Latent creative abilities often surface when traditional skills falter. Consider this time an opportunity to let your inner artist shine!

6. Focus on service. If you're struggling with these health issues, others probably are, too. Brainstorm ideas of how to help people in your situation. Many a business began when people simply brought into being what they sensed would help their own recovery. If you have stumbled upon a "miracle cure," unusual technique, or special technology that helped you heal, consider sharing your discoveries with others. Write articles and/or books; create a recovery blog with online sponsors; start a non-profit organization; raise awareness; learn, practice and eventually teach alternative healing techniques. If you don't feel like you can work for someone else, then work from home. You can set your own hours and still make a major difference in this world. Inspiring others will enhance your own recovery!

7. Find your purpose. People say, "Everything happens for a reason" and we so want to believe that's true! When life shuts out most opportunities, consider carefully the skills or talents that remain. Sometimes Destiny arrives in the form of disabilities that remove all other options. Do you have an unusual or hidden gift? A sense of calling or special mission? Life has a funny way of supporting our deepest longings and most dramatic offerings. And the sooner we embrace our path, the easier that road becomes. "Impossible" synchronicities make regular appearances. Words, food and money arrive at just the proper time. Almost before we realize what's happening, Life returns-and with it, the abundance we so crave.

Laura Bruno is a Life Coach, Medical Intuitive and Reiki Master Teacher dedicated to helping people live radiantly free, compassionate and joyful lives:

Laura also authored the long-awaited book If I Only Had a Brain Injury: A TBI Survivor and Life Coach's Guide to Chronic Fatigue, Concussion, Lyme Disease, Migraine or Other "Medical Mystery," now available at

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Aug 23, 2008

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