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Make Extra Money Using the Internet


There are success stories everywhere about people who have quit their jobs and made their fortunes by using the internet. However, you may be one of those lucky people who really love their job and their career. If this is the case, you are probably not interested in replacing your profession with an online occupation. Fortunately, there are lots of ways to make extra money online without giving up your day job or spending all your spare time on the net.


If you enjoy writing and have good grammar and punctuation, you can work as little as one hour a day writing for a blog or other company that needs articles for search engine purposes or reader entertainment. These companies tend to pay between five and twenty-five dollars for an article and generally allow you to work entirely at your own pace. An experienced writer can frequently generate four or five of these articles an hour, and the job is enjoyable as well since you are creating interesting content for other people to learn from and enjoy.

eBay Selling

Another way to make extra money online is to sell things on eBay. You can sell your personal belongings or you can work for a larger company called a dropshipper that will take care of packing and shipping for you in exchange for your promoting their products. Selling items on eBay costs little to nothing and can be a major source of profits if you sell products that are in high demand.

Paid Surveys

If you have twenty or thirty minutes to spare once or twice a day, taking paid surveys is a great way to earn additional income online. Companies will ask you to sign up for a free trial or other offer on a website, then ask you to rate the service and the promotional materials that you received. You do not have to keep the products or sell anything to anyone else. Just give your honest opinion and then cash the check once a month. Some paid survey companies try to trick you into signing up for memberships and buying products from their sponsors, so be sure that you research a company to make sure that they have a history of reliability in payments and customer service before you start taking surveys.

As you can see, there are lots of ways to spend a little time and make a lot of money online without giving up time with your family or your career. Search online for opportunities for extra income and start earning today.

To learn more about how to Make Extra Money Using The Internet, visit Brian's Xocai website.

Author: Brian McCoy is a six figure earner and one of the top income earners in the home business industry. Brian works with entrepreneurs around the world. He devotes the time, energy, and effort into his team and works with them to ensure their success.

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Tales From the Blogosphere


I entered the blogosphere fairly late in the game. More than three years after starting and managing several busy forums and web sites, I dabbled with blogging through regular entries to one of my aviation web sites. Within weeks I got tired of the discipline not of writing but of ftping everything to the web. I gave up as I decided blogging wasnt for me.

Fortunately, I didnt stay away as I saw a challenge, and an opportunity, in front of me. Having blogged on other peoples sites, I felt that if I could blog there, I could blog anywhere, including on my own blogs. Taking a look at my options, I decided to download WordPress and I now run two blogs from two separate web sites.

I am thrilled with each blogs success and have no plans of giving up on what I am doing. In fact, I am mulling over starting a couple of more blogs as I see the value of this type of medium online.

So, how are my sites doing? Very well according to my sites statistics. No, there isnt much activity as far as comments go, but my information is getting read and the blogs are bringing additional traffic to both sites. Lets just say that the traffic increases alone have been enough to keep me going, but other factors weigh in including:

Blurbs There are times when a full length article just doesnt cut it, but a blurb [pithy paragraph] does. Blogs are great for showcasing tidbits of information and allowing bloggers to link to the full article if more information is desired.

Links On my Jet Movements blog, I added over 200 aviation related links recently. Within days, traffic to my site increased and the first page rankings came back from Google. Less than six weeks after starting, the traffic to this particular blog has been great.

Showcase My second blog, The Article Writer, has helped me communicate better to my customers. Now, my customers can read about my writing style, my comments on raising SEO, book reviews, and more. This blog has given a human touch to an otherwise good, but too-business-like web site.

Idea Farm Some of my blogs have turned into articles as I have taken a short, concise work and expanded on what I wrote through an article. Saves me time, too, as all I have to do is add a couple of extra paragraphs and my article is usually done.

Yes, blogging is a great way to communicate for business folks as well as teens. Some have thought that blogging was a fad, but I must say that it isnt and it is certainly here to stay. Have you started your blog yet?

Copyright 2006 For additional information regarding Matt Keegan, The Article Writer, please visit his blog for wit, quips, and freelance writing tips.

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Health Drink - Beer and Milkshakes?


Based on research studies, even the most delicious drinks such as milkshakes, red wine and beer has good health benefits. Such as preventing certain cancers, strengthening the immune system and give us that healthy glow. And there's a lot more in the lists, grab a glass and try it.

1. Tomato juice- It reduces the bad cholesterol in our body. Based on research, Volunteer drinkers who took 13 1/2 ounces of it with 1 serving of ketchup everyday, dropped 13% of LDL cholesterol, in just 3 weeks.This is based from a research studies of Finland University of Oulu. Scientific researchers said that combinations of antioxidants form tomatoes, including Lycopene, beta carotene and gamma-carotene is one way of lowering cholesterol.

2. Lemonade- A glass of lemonade can prevents us from having cancer of the mouth, and larynx. Antioxidants from citrus fruits. Lemons, limes and oranges lessen the production of enzymes that can cause tumor and strengthens the immune system.

3. Red wine- Researcher Tony Brook of University of New York compared the drinking habits of red and white wine drinks and discovered something different. 68 % of people that has no cancer belongs to the red wine drinkers. Red and white wine differs in many things. Red wine has more resveratrol - a natural compound that is known to have cancer-fighting powers.

4. Green tea- Green tea definitely reduces the risk of certain cancers. It fights bad cholesterol and infections. Studies says that it also prevents Parkinson's disease. The central nervous system disorder that has no proven cure.

5. Milk shakes- Whenever you drink milkshakes, it makes you think that you're still young. It is rich in Vitamin D because it's dairy based, that slows down the aging process and reduce swelling. American and British researchers found out that women who are milk shake drinkers are biologically younger than non drinkers with the same age.

6. Beer- you heard it right. This drink helps us from getting Alzheimer's. Beer is rich in Silicon. An element that fights neurotoxins that cause Alzheimer's. It also helps us avoid osteoporosis, It's surprising to know that silicon in beer is much better than calcium, Making our bones stronger and healthier. Based on research studies, It was proven that a glass of beer a day is enough. Do not exceed from the said amount, we all know what can happen to us with too much beer. Be smart when drinking.

This is written by Ivy Cruz

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Back acne can be a very uncomfortable and unpleasant skin condition. As its name implies, it is acne that appears on the body, particularly the back, although it can also be found in other areas such as the shoulders, upper arms and even the buttocks.

Back acne can be as simple as a few pimples and whiteheads but it can also come in a more severe form that also includes blackheads, cysts and pustules. Back acne is not only unsightly, it can also be painful and later cause scarring, which tends to be permanent.

What causes back acne?

Essentially, that acne on your back is just acne and its cause is still unknown. What is known, however, is that back acne usually occurs in pubescent girls and boys, although it can also be found in adults. When young teens enter puberty, this is also the time when their sebaceous glands become active. Sebaceous glands produce sebum, the oil which our bodies naturally create.

This is a normal process. The problem begins when the body produces too much sebum. This clogs up the hair follicles and the pores, making the skin an ideal breeding ground for the bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes. This bacteria causes a skin infection that produces redness and swelling. As a result, pimples appear. When they become enlarged, become filled with pus and liquid, multiply and produce lesions, you get acne on your back.

Who gets acne?

In the same manner as it is not fully understood why some people get acne while others dont, it is also not known why back acne occurs in some people while others remain pimple-free. However, some studies have shown that back acne tends to run in families so if some people in your family have back acne, that probably explains why you have it, too. Back acne also tends to appear in people who sweat profusely. It can also appear in women taking hormones.

Can tight or heavy clothing cause back acne?

There is no proof that certain clothing cause back acne, nor has a direct link between backpacks and back acne been established. However, these factors seem to contribute to excessive sweating, which exacerbates a back acne condition.

How do I treat back acne?

Body skin is a lot more resilient and tough compared to facial skin, but that is not an excuse to be rough on that acne on your back. The treatment for back acne may be slightly different but it is by no means less gentle.

Start with a sensible skin-cleansing regimen. Use an antibacterial soap or a specially formulated soap for acne to help prevent further infections and break outs. Shower on a regular basis and give extra care and attention to the affected area of the back. Thoroughly dry your skin with a clean towel.

Use an anti-acne product such as a topical cream containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Just be careful with using benzoyl peroxide because it has mild bleaching characteristics which might bleach the fabric of your clothes. Either wait for the ointment or gel to dry before putting on clothes or just wear something white.

If you engage in activities where you sweat excessively, make sure to take a shower immediately after. Always wear fresh, clean clothes and choose fabrics made with natural fibers. You should also wear fabrics that absorb moisture well to make sure that you keep perspiration away from your skin.

Some back acne treatments can dry the skin, especially those that exfoliate. When skin is too dry, it can also be prone to break outs. To protect your skin from excessive dryness, use non-comedogenic lotions or moisturizers.

Other treatments

Back acne is more difficult to treat because it is spread across a much wider area. If using a topical cream seems impractical and ineffective, you might want to ask your doctors for alternative solutions. Back acne may also be treated with topical antibiotics, injections, oral contraceptives and laser therapy. Always ask for your doctor's recommendation before using another form of treatment to ensure you do not aggravate your skin's condition.

If scarring has occurred, dont worry. There are surgical and cosmetic means with which to help improve your skin's appearance. Procedures such as laser therapy, excision and skin needling are just a few options you can ask your doctor about to help get rid of that acne on your back.

What about that backpack?

If you find that carrying a backpack seems to aggravate your back acne condition, use another means with which to carry stuff around. You can either wait until that acne on your back clears and use that backpack again or you can give it up altogether.

Flor Serquina is a writer and also a wife and a mother who has a great interest in maintaining the healthy skin of the members of her large family. For more information visit her website, where she discusses various subjects such as acne on your back, acne rosacea treatment and chest acne. The site features well-researched articles on the different types of acne, their causes and their treatment. There are reviews of the varied approaches to acne, including laser surgery for acne scars, home remedies, different brands of acne soaps and face wash, over-the-counter acne medications as well prescription medicines.

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Aug 24, 2008

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