Blogger BlogNet27284

How To Make Money Blogging - 10 Step Solution


Firstly, we all want to know How to Make Money Online, and one of the best ways I have found is by creating blogs. In this article I intend to show you how you too can learn How to Make Money Blogging by telling you how combining the techniques I have gathered from across the web helps to make me $$$ every day. Secondly, I am not trying to sell you my latest "Get Rich Quick" scheme because I don't have one. Each eBook you read will have a wealth of information within them which will, without a doubt help you to discover the secrets of How to Make Money Online. I am only going to tell you which ones out of the 100's available you SHOULD read if you too want to make lots of money.

I use a 10 step guide to setting up and starting all of my blogs.

I will give you a list of the top 10 resources later that I use and recommend to everyone who is serious about making lots of money online. One of the vital aspects people seem to miss out when they first get into blogging is the fact that their blog must contain information that people want to read.

Many bloggers are looking through closed eyes in this regard and if you browse through 50 blogs you will notice that most will tell you they know How to Make Money with Blogswhen really all they tell you is where they went on their vacation or how many cars they have.

Are you ready to learn How to Make Money Blogging?

If the answer is YES then read on and start to make money with your blog. I am not here to tell you how to write your blog, that's up to you, but what I am about to tell you is the 10 things I use to make money on the internet. You can choose to use these techniques or not, that's your prerogative.

Step 1 - Finding a Topic

Turn off your computer, grab a pen and some paper and sit somewhere you can relax but also stay focused (if you are just starting out this step can be a pain because we all want to know How to Make Money Online and we want to know how to make it NOW). Think of a topic you are interested in and write it down (this helps because you will be more committed to trying instead of giving up in a day or two) and also make sure it is something other people are interested in too. A couple of ways I use to think of a topic is by using MetaSpy to find out what people are searching for, Ask IQ to find what's popular and VRE Toolbar to find out how many people search for the topic (this is also useful later on to get traffic). Write down your top five keywords, you will want to use them later in your blog.

Step 2 - Create Your Blog

Find and create your blog online. I like to use Blogger but other popular Blog platforms are Wordpress and Movable Type. You can find all the help in the program you use to get information when setting up the blog. Create your content, make it original, and make it informative. This is one of the main keys to learn How to Make Money with Blogs. You need to include the keywords you wrote down in Step 1 in the content of your blog. Try not to overuse these as it sends out bad signals to the search engines, and this is 100% not what you want.

Step 3 - Go Google

Sign up for Google Adsense and insert the code in the margin of your blog. You can customize your ads in many ways, such as including text links or image links. I prefer the text links only, as they are easier to blend in with your blog and don't take the focus away from the information. Google Adsense will probably not make you a millionaire but it is an instant way of generating a small amount of money.

If you want to track where your visitors are coming from with regards to direct hits or from search engine results then I would suggest you use Google Analytics and again you can get all the help you need setting that up from within the program.

You will also want to add your URL to Google's index.

Step 4 - Find Something to Sell

If you don't want to sell anything and are happy with the income Google Adsense is bringing in then you can skip this step. If you want to maximize your income and truly learn How to Make Money with Blogs you will want to find an affiliate program to join. A couple of affiliate programs I would suggest are ClickBank and Commission Junction. You can sell anything from office furniture, pet supplies, movies and clothing to PC games, Dieting tips and Audio software.

Whatever program you join will give you help inserting the code you will need to insert into your blog, but be sure you do this correctly or you WILL NOT earn money from your visitors. If you do not know how to edit HTML, W3Schools HTML tutorial is a great place to start.

Step 5 - Social Bookmarking

There is no better advertising than word of mouth, but the next best thing is social bookmarking. You will want to make things easier for people to do this. Social bookmarking sites I use and recommend are OnlyWire and SocialMarker and they are used for people to share their bookmarks or websites that they have liked with other people in their online community.

I would not suggest you add your own links to these services, but provide visitors to your website the ability to do so.

Step 6 - Write an Article

Whether your blog is about a specific product, for example a certain MP3 Player you are promoting, or just about giving people information, I would suggest you to write an article or a review of it. Most article directories require articles of 500 words and over so I would use this as a rule when writing to ensure your article is published.

Submit your article to any of the 100's which are out there. I personally use a few of the Top Article directories such as EzineArticles, Article Dashboard,, isnare and SearchWarp. I also use a nifty piece of software called Article Submitter which will submit your articles to over 600 article directories, which saves you lots of time and leaves you to focus on writing your blogs.

Step 7 - Ping The Hell Out Of It

Every time you add new information to your blog, you want to let the blog directories know about it, this is known as pinging. Some Blog providers automatically send out pings when you update, but to be on the safe side you will want to do this manually too. ONLY PING WHEN YOU UPDATE.

There are a couple of Ping sites I use which will send a ping to multiple blog directories at the same time. PingMyBlog would be my first port of call and then if for some reason that site is down I would use Ping-o-matic. Remember, to only ping when you update or you could get blacklisted, and that is bad.

Step 8 - Yahoo! Answers and Forums

One of the easiest ways to get targeted visitors to your blog is to make use of the people you want to target. I would suggest you sign up to at LEAST one forum in the topic you are writing about, and don't just go straight in there and start posting comments for people to look at your blog, they won't.

The secret is to add the link to your blog in your signature and actively become a member of the forum, posting relevant topics and starting debates within them. The more you post, the more your link will show, and if you provide someone with good info the chances are higher they will click your link.

Yahoo! Answers is along the same lines as forums but the beauty of this is it's viewed by thousands of visitors each day. If you don't already have a Yahoo! account get one and then login and search for questions relating to the topic of your blog and answer them well. You can then insert the link to your blog and as with the forums, if you answer well you may have not only earned yourself a point or two on Yahoo!, but also earned a visitor to your blog.

Step 9 - Update Your Blog

This can be by several means, one is to add new reviews or content to your blog, and if you are going to do this I suggest updating every couple of days. This helps to keep the search engines happy as they love to see new and original content.

Another way of updating your blog and keeping the content fresh is to add RSS feeds to it. Make sure the feeds are relevant to your blog and provide visitors with helpful information. Visitors to a World of Warcraft blog don't want to read feeds about knitting, or do they?

Step 10 - More, More, More

Repeat steps 1 - 10, this is the only way How to Make Money Blogging.

Step 11 - A Bonus Step

If you have your own product or newsletter, give your visitors an easy way to sign up to receive updates or information. This helps you to contact the visitor again with more great info or products you wish to sell.

How to Make Money Online is easy if you follow the above steps.

Some important things to remember so you don't get disheartened with your blog is the fact that you will not become a millionaire overnight, it takes hard work and a lot of effort. If you are really serious about learning How to Make Money with Blogs then stick with it and eventually you will have an Ah-Ha moment. This is when things start to work and you think to yourself Ah-Ha, that's how they do it. Your moment could be sooner than you think.

My Top 10 resources I use and recommend are:

1. Rob Benwell's Blogging to The Bank 2.0

2. Wordpress Goldmine

3. Rob Atherton's Building A Blog Empire For Profit

4. The Blog Challenge

5. Hinge Marketing Magic

6. Blogging For Riches - Complete Video Tutorial

7. Social Bookmarking Demon

8. Adsense Inbox

9. Wordpress SEO Sniper

10. RSS, Blogs and Syndication...

My name is Andy I'm 31 and I'm from Manchester, UK I like to read a lot (Discworld, Sci-Fantasy) and listen to music (The Doors, Wu-Tang, Amy Winehouse, Kaiser Chiefs, Blondie, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix). I also try to be a skateboarder when I get time and dry weather. Please view and leave comments on my blog.


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Are you hating your desk job right now? Drag yourself up early in the morning, miss the earliest train ride, so much work so little time and getting reprimanded for things that you did not do... These are very common problems that are found in daily office lives. How do I know? Well, I was an office boy like many out there clinging on to a lowly paid customer service job.

The purpose of my job back then was to serve customers and help them with their needs but, instead I got served most of the time. You tell them you are trying your best to help them but they claim that you are lying and sometimes point fingers at you. Are facing this same problem? Low pay, low job, low life and most importantly, low pride! That was my biggest motivation to start learning the rope to making money online.

Then, I decided to fire my boss one day and spent a couple month and some hard earn cash to start learning the art and science of making money online. Now that I am doing much better than before, I have the responsibility to share this elevating experience with many other out there. Change your life!

How do you make easy money online? Most people assume that they are going to become rich overnight by making a forune online. No! I can't stress enough that running and internet or home business requires the same mentality and management skills as if you are running a physical business. Branding is important! You have to take time to spread your name, let people trust you and in turn become a resource for web surfers worldwide. There are some people who have built a whole career out of working from home online. When you want to do that, you need to consider the following:

Do Your Research Consciously:
You may do your research while holding on to your full time job. It is a pity if you have been complaining that you have no time to do it because it is entirely up to your own control. It may not be as easy as you think. You will have to look at the things that you can do to bring in the income. You have to be realistic, too. Some online businesses will certainly help you bring in additional income, but may not be enough to support yourself or even your family. If you are looking to make easy money online, you will want to take a good long look at what is out there and weigh the pros and cons of each choice. This will not only help you make an informed decision about your next online career move, but it will also help you think before you leap, so to speak.

Set Up a Comfortable Work Station:
As unbelievable as it may be, a good work station can determine the quality of your work. If you have a great plan of how to making money online, but you're working from messy desk, snail speed computer and a noisy background. Your end result will be just like the condition of your work place, messy, slow and noisy! My advice is to take some time off to set up a good work station before embarking on your money making journey.

Take Time Off:
Have you ever been guilty of working too much?

Imagine yourself on a running track. Try running 5km in one day and try running 1 km everyday for 5 days. Which gives your a better pacing and motivation? The latter definitely!

It happens to the best of us and it can certainly happen if you want to make money online and when you work from home. Many people that work from home have a hard time knowing when to shut down for the day. You may catch yourself checking emails when the kids get home from school or answering calls during dinner. Know when you have had enough and take time off each day to attend to your personal life.

You can make money online, but you need to realize that it is not always easy or quick. Understand this and you will do well. Time will tell and its a psychology game altogether.

Copyright Ben Pei
Owner of the Money Making Blog Community, sets out to share ideas, tips, tools and on How To Start Making Money Online even if he/she is a newbie.
Discover with Ben Secrets to how you make a Passive Income Online.

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Of all 100 people who are trying to make more money online, only around 5 of them actually achieve this goal. The question now is what makes this 5 percent successful while the rest are having hard times making sales? The main reason is because of market research. Out of 100 people, only 5 of them put in real effort into market research, and that is why they succeed in their online business and make more money online.

Market research is the most important factor that will determine how long your online business will go. In the world of internet, many people get excited when they come across a hot product, and they want to promote that product without knowing the market's situation. This is why most people fail. You have to start from a market, not from a hot product.

Market research is the foundation of your online business, if you are not doing it well, your online business will not go long and your business will get wipe out anytime when there are any serious competitors coming in. That is why you need to build a strong and solid online business, and it all starts from market research.

There are 3 criteria you must consider when you do research on your market, they are:

1. Your market's profitability. You have to know whether it is a profitable market. If the people in your market are not willing to spend, you will be having a hard time in closing sales.

2. Your market's competition. Know how competitive your market is. No matter what market you are in, there must be at least some competition, if there is no competition at all; maybe it is not a profitable market.

3. Your market size. The bigger your market, the better because you can share a larger pie. However, make sure that it is a niche market. In internet marketing, your market size is defined by the number of searches for the keywords related in your market.

These are the 3 criteria that you need to consider when doing your market research. Always remember, you have to do market research before diving into your market. It is going to determine the future of your business, do it seriously and you will reap the rewards later.

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If you were amazed by other scrapbooks you've seen, learn that you can make your own scrapbook. So, if you are interested in making your own personal scrapbook, start looking for shops and buy some supplies. However, many would surely find themselves totally amazed and lost when looking at all those products that are used for scrapbooking. But make sure that you buy exactly what you need, some usually buy more products than they actually need and find themselves spending a lot of money on scrapbooking supplies. So make a list and stick to it when you go and buy products.

This article will provide some tips that will help you when you need to buy scrapbook supplies.

Album- you have to know the size and the color theme of your album before going to buy it. Planning ahead will definitely help you when searching for your album as you won't need to look for all sizes; all you need to do is focus on your chosen size. You have to make sure that there is enough space on your album to make designs and artwork. However, if you want a little elegant album it's up to you but make sure that you decide upon the type of album. Beginners are advised to start with a definite size because it is easier to manage.

Refilling your album- A good idea is to include album page refills at the time you buy the album you need. You don't have standard sizes for albums refills so it is best to buy in the same time when you buy your album. Grab more than you need to avoid looking for the same size after you finish them; sometimes the same manufacturer is not available anymore, or you don't find the same color theme you used.

Using Adhesive- There are various types of adhesive you can use, but not all will match your album. The types of adhesive on the market are: Glue Dots, Mod Podge, Triple Thick, EZ, 3D Dots, or Xyron. These are the good brands of adhesive that will match you album; if you use these you won't risk damaging your scrapbook.

You will need another pair of scissor for your scrapbooks because they need to be kept sharp of you want to do a good job.

Papers are very important because they are the body of the whole scrapbook. You can choose colored papers or you can establish a color for your sheets that will match your color theme.

Avoid using acid markers because they might damage things with the chemical reactions they usually have with paper.

Don't spend money on useless things before making sure that you have all the basic needs satisfied.

In order to have truly unique and long lasting albums, you need to be sure you buy quality scrapbook supplies. You will be very upset if your hard work on your album goes to waste because of bad scrapbook supplies. Do your research on scrapbooking and get the right materials.

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Oct 9, 2008

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