Blogger BlogNet27284

Make Money Blogging - 3 Insider Tips to Explode Your Profits


I was reading one of my favorite blogs recently and the lead story was about the ultra popular blog and how it charges a whopping $58,000 a day ( that's right, a day ) to advertise on it's front page.

If anyone needed any proof that you can make serious money blogging then this is it. If you take a look at the blog you'll see that it's nothing more than an online celebrity gossip mag, seen through the unique personality of it's owner. Not everyone's cup of tea but proof that money can be made blogging about virtually any subject, the web is a big place.

So with this in mind I decide to present the 3 top ways you can make money with your blog..

1) Google AdSense - This is by far the most popular way to make cash with your blog. Basically you sign up to Google AdSense and get a piece of code. You then copy and paste that code onto your blog ( don't worry it's extremely easy ). Then Google ads relating to your niche or blog topic will appear on your page, and when somebody clicks on an ad you get paid. There's almost a science built up around ad placement, ad color schemes, ad fonts, all of which combined will get you more clicks and therefore more money. Michael Cheney offers an excellent video based course on how to maximize your AdSense income.

2) Direct Banner Advertising - This method is another extremely easy way to make money. All you do here is display an image on your blog, either in the header section or down the side along side your text. Advertisers will pay you when the ad is shown. Usually every thousand views they pay a set amount. The downside to this method is you need a decent amount of visitors to make money. This can be easily achieved using advanced web promotion techniques.

3) Affiliate Marketing - This is probably the most lucrative way to make money blogging and consists of promoting other peoples products through your blog. I can be a simple recommendation, a review or a "how to". Basically you sign up as an affiliate for a particular product, then promote that product whatever way you can through your blog. When someone buys that product from your link you get paid. That's the simple explanation, if you are looking for advanced affiliate techniques for blogging I can help you out.

The awesome thing about blogging is the fact that it's practically free to do, a tiny payment of $6 or so to setup your domain name and that's it. You can download professional looking Wordpress themes for free, all the programming is done for you. How much money you make is then entirely up to you.

To make a real success of blogging there is a proven blueprint you can follow. Like any other venture, if you start out on the right path at the beginning it makes it a hell of a lot easier.

Making money online doesn't have to be difficult, in fact it's quite easy if you follow a system that works. The real pleasure for me is the lifestyle it offers and the time I can spend at home with my family. At Affiliate Prosperity we present proven money making systems that are guaranteed to work. Get started today by clicking here

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Dec 6, 2008

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