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Play Pokemon Online


The people in charge of making Pokemon popular again have done a great job. Pokemon was big a few years ago and it's recently made an amazing comeback. A whole new generation of kids are trying to catch them all.

It's a very good time to be a Pokemon fan. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl for the Nintendo DS have been in the Top 10 best selling games for months now and the Diamond and Pearl cartoon is pretty popular too. But why stop there? I have a vision and Pokemon people feel free to borrow this idea from me, that would make Pokemon an even more dominant gaming franchise. I'd like to see a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) based on the world of Pokemon.

Sure, I know that's there's a few Pokemon games online like Pokemon Crater and Pokemon Online (POL) but those games are pretty simple and based on the game play of the Game Boy Advance version of Pokemon. And I don't even think that Nintendo has anything to do with them. They could be one cease and desist letter away from being shut down.

I'd like to see a World of Warcraft style Pokemon game online. Use the same story line and game play as Diamond and Pearl but put the players in a cartoonish 3D environment. Choose your trainer avatar and start your adventure. Think about how cool it would be to wander around different towns and cities, catch wild Pokemon, train them, battle other trainers, do gym battles, collect badges and enter tournaments and do it all in a online 3D environment that you share with other Pokemon trainers. And to make it interesting they could add some members of Team Rocket to mix. Jessie and James could be bots that come along and try to steal your Pokemon.

This would be a great game for the Wii's Online Service. Pokemon Battle Revolution is out and it already has online play in Japan but that game is just an extension of Diamond and Pearl. Without a DS, that game isn't too good. No, they need to start over with a whole new online Pokemon game.

The Nintendo Wii is the hottest selling new video game console right now and it's outselling the PS3 and XBox 360. The Wii is still hard to find in the stores and that isn't going to change anytime soon. The Wii's only weakness seems to be it's online play which is weak at best. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is going to have online play but it's release has been pushed back to February. My Worlds of Warcraft Pokemon game idea (let's call it Worlds of Pokemon for this article) if done right, could become the game that puts the Wii Online Service on the map.

Hopefully someone at Nintendo has already come up with this idea and programmers are already hard at work on Worlds of Pokemon. If not, then I hope they have enough free time to read this article and get inspired.

When Anthony Tripp isn't teaching his son how to catch them all, he's coming up with ideas about how to play Pokemon online and writing about it on his blog,

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EVE Online Macros - The Bane Of Good Play


CCP's massive EVE Online MMORPG is the dominant science fiction MMO on the market today. With dynamic game play, and a player run economy, coupled with a "real world time" driven method for building up skills, it provides a dynamic challenge for players.

It also has, like any MMO, a number of repetitive tasks that aren't terribly fun to do, like mining asteroids, or queueing production. This is where EVE Online Macros come into play. There are a lot of sites out there that promise you EVE Online macros that will automate the boring stuff. Some will show you how to record your own macros for mining and processing ore, some will attempt to sell you EVE Online macros that are readily made.

Understand that doing an EVE Online Macro is a violation of the terms of service to the game; if your account is caught using macros to automate the activities of the game, it will be suspended.

Most people who look at using EVE Online Macros are looking to accumulate in-game currency (ISKs) at a rate faster than normal play would allow (or to allow their account to remain logged in, doing mining, while they're off doing something else. Because ISKs can also be used to buy in-game game credits, CCP Games is more than a little bit concerned about prevalent macro abuse, and they work hard to shut it down.

If you are planning on using an EVE Online Macro, do so with some subtlety. Don't just let it run non-stop, but pick a dedicated time when it's plausible for you to get the money you're accumulating. Don't use money from macro mining to buy game credits; use it only on in game things. And, even if you do these things, expect your account to get nuked at some point.

Insofar as buying EVE Online macros, there are ones for sale (regularly) on, and others for sale on eBay. Be careful of any of them - and run a virus and malware scanner before installing them. A lot of hackers are using game cheats (like these) as trojan horses to load viruses and malware, building up a bot net.

Note that not all EVE Online Macros are considered bad; one EVE Online Macro that's permitted is EVEMon, which monitors your training times in skills, and makes recommendations for the next skills to purchase based on activities you've done recently - including helping you pick pre-requisite skills for things you wouldn't think of. CCP games refers to this time of third party program as a quality of life enhancer, not an exploit.

Derek Smithson has written articles on EVE Online ships and the EVE Online free trial which is available, as well as a number of EVE Online guides.

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If you are in need of a low cost health insurance policy, there are a couple things that you can do in order to lower the costs. Unfortunately, neither one of these options is very pleasant, however, in the case of having health insurance or not having it at all, it's better to have some protection. Here a two things that you could do.

#1. Strip down the coverage. This is what I meant by hating to have to do, but some is better than none. The object is to strip down certain coverages by reducing the amounts that your insurance will cover within the policy. For example, you could buy a low cost health insurance policy with rock bottom, minimum coverage. This may mean that you won't have as much coverage in the event of an emergency that requires long term hospital care, however, we're working on the premise of "something being better than nothing" here, so it's kind of a take what you can afford situation, which is very unfortunate. I realize that a lot of people may look at this option with criticism or ask "what's the point"? The point is that a large portion of bankruptcies here in the USA are because of excessive medical bills. If they were partially covered, a family may be able to avoid that.

#2. Raise your insurance deductible to the maximum. This option would mean that you'd be paying practically 100% of your everyday medical care out of your own budget. If you think about it though, you're probably already doing this. How many times have you seen the doctor this year so far? How many times did you go last year? The average is twice, so if you have a deductible as low as $250-$500.00, then you probably had to pay for that yourself anyway, didn't you? The main objective by raising your deductible to the maximum is to protect yourself, as in the example above. You'll want to put away $500.00 aside for doctor visits and never touch it. More if you have a large family.

These ideas, of course, aren't the only options that you have. I know that a lot of skeptics will argue these options and that's fine. I recommend when you're looking for low cost health insurance to keep all of your options open.

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How does one find the cheapest Washington auto insurance quotes online? What factors are used to determine Washington car insurance rates in the first place? What are the State of Washington's minimum required auto insurance coverage amounts? Understanding the answers to these questions can make all of the difference in the world between having a great rate with the protection that you need and making a costly mistake. Read on to learn some quick and easy ways to better understand your Washington auto insurance policy and hopefully save yourself some money in the process!

Automobile insurance can be a very difficult thing to understand in today's world. There are many types of coverage that a person has to have, the requirements change from state to state and most importantly nowadays the car insurance business is basing the rates on credit reports! Although that doesn't make sense to a lot of people it is important to understand that premiums and rates don't make sense to many Americans. Most people buy insurance not knowing of their options and they don't take the time to read about the industry and the things they can do to save some money. Before purchasing auto insurance you must know that the minimum requirements change from state to state, that there are many different ways in which you can save money even when your coverage is not that expensive and that your type of car will affect your rate more than your driving record.

The state of Washington in the Northwest of the United States is one of those states that people take for granted. Since the state is the most Northern state on the West coast of this country, people don't think that many people live there. The truth however, is much different. According to the United States Census Bureau there are approximately 6,395,798 people living in this cold Northern state. This might be a surprise to many, but what is even more shocking is that the population has increased 8.5% since the year 2006. It is also important to highlight that experts predict that the population will increase in the next couple of years.

Another assumption of people through the United States is that most of the population in this state can be found in the populated city of Seattle, Washington. That unfortunately for the people making this claim, is also a myth. According to the United States Census Bureau, Seattle only held about 560,000 people in the year 2003. This means that residents of this state are scattered all around and this is one of the reasons that people in Washington paid a higher average in automobile insurance premiums than the nation's average in the year 2003.

Other reasons for the higher premiums in this state are the damages caused to the cars by the weather. Snow can do little things such as messing up the car's paint and make dents on the body of the vehicle, but it can also freeze the engine and give you many battery problems. Another assumption about the high rates in Washington can be linked to how dangerous the roads are when it snows. In freezing weather the roads become icy and drivers are more likely to lose control of their cars under these conditions.

To prevent chaos and just like any other state in the country, Washington has a mandated coverage that all residents need to have before sitting behind the wheel of a vehicle. The mandated coverage for people living in this state is called a 25/50/10 coverage. Although it can be a little confusing, with a little bit of explaining a person will know exactly what we are talking about. A person driving on the roads of this Northern state must have $25,000 of bodily injury per person and $50,000 for bodily injury in total after an accident. In addition to this the person must also have a $10,000 property damage liability coverage to make sure they can pay damages after an accident. Because Washington uses what is called a "tort system," one of the people involved in the accident must always be found at fault. After this takes place the person who had fault in the accident and his or her insurance company will be responsible of paying for the damages caused by the accident.

It is important to understand that people in this state do not have Personal Injury Protection (also called PIP) as one of their mandatory coverage. PIP helps pay for medical expenses to you and the passengers of your vehicle if you get into an accident. The law also does not require a person to have uninsured/underinsured motorist (also called UM/UIM) coverage which pays for your damages in the event that you get into an accident with a person that doesn't have insurance, or that doesn't have enough insurance to cover for the accident. It is important to mention however, that a person can call their insurance company and ask for these types of coverage to be added to their policy.

Although the weather is not good when it comes to automobile insurance and the rates in Washington are over the nation's average, there are still many different ways in which a person can save some money on their Washington auto insurance policy. Perhaps the most important thing a person must do before deciding on signing a policy is to shop around for the best price. Once you find the best prices policy you will be starting with the right foot.

If you are doing the shopping online you can go to comparison websites that will give you the quotes from many different insurance companies. Just fill out your information and you will have access to many different quotes (depending on the website you visit). Be sure and closely compare Washington car insurance quotes from top companies alongside one another to see which policy will best meet your specific needs. If on the other hand you are doing the shopping in person make sure to visit about three insurance companies and ask for quotes. Always remember that you are the customer and the agents are trying to get you to sign up with them, so use this to your advantage (don't be afraid to negotiate!).

Last but not least it is important to mention the discounts as money saving opportunities that will allow people in the state of Washington to get lower prices for car insurance. Although discounts vary from state to state and from company to company there are a few that can be found most of the time. The safety feature discount (good one for bad weather states) allows you to get your rate reduced if you have alarms, anti-lock brakes, air bags, automatic seat belts, etc. The good driver discount allows you to save some money if you have had a perfect record for the last three years (no accidents of traffic tickets).

Perhaps the car insurance discount that will be best for people in Washington can be the low mileage discount because the less you drive the less your chances of getting into a car accident (especially in bad weather!). There are many more discounts like the defensive driver course and the good student; but you have to check with your Washington auto insurance company to see if they are available through them.

As you can see people in Washington don't have it too bad when it comes to automobile insurance. Although they have been paying a lot of money in the past, it is never late to start saving money and getting better deals. Always try to look for money saving opportunities because they will always be present. If you live in Washington now you know the mandated coverage, as well as what coverage is optional, and the ways in which you can get a cheaper quote. Just follow this article into success and you will be paying less than expected in car insurance at the end of the day.

Be sure and compare Washington car insurance quotes from top companies side by side in order to find the best deal. Get started finding cheap online auto insurance rate quotes today!

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Cpanel Webhosting - What You Need to Know


Cpanel is a web-based control panel complete with all the features that enables you to manage your web hosting space and domain name through the web interface. What this does is to give you more control, manage and access your web site. With it you can manage all aspects of email files, FTP, CGI scripts and web site statistics. Cpanel webhosting uses state of the art webhosting control panel system and has a number of features which include user-friendly web based interface (GUI) aside from those mentioned above. The control panel is designed for the end users of the system which allows them complete control on the control panel system.

This interface has back-up features for web site such as back-up and restore. It allows several email functions such as add, remove and change password. This tpe of webhosting also has webmail for all accounts, auto responders, mail filtering, forwarders, mailing lists, spam filtering and modify MX entry.

This hosting can provide statistics such as web stats, FTP stats, analog stats, AWstats, latest visitors, bandwidth usage, error log and raw log file.

It can manage FTP accounts, controls anonymous FTP, change FTP login message and end FTP sessions.

Cpanel webhosting has different tools for site such as web protect, change site and frontpage password, custom error pages, redirect functions, edit MIME types, edit Apache Handlers, install and uninstall FrontPage Extensions, search engine submit and file manager.

This interface can add, remove, redirects and provides statistics for sub-domains and also has advanced tools such as SSH access, manage GPG keys and Cron jobs.

Offering features for pre-installed CGI scripts such as interchange cart, Agora cart, Bulletin Board, java chat, Html chat, phpMy Chat, CGI Wrapper, random HTML generator, advanced guestbook, generators for counter, java clock and java countdown, secure FormMail clone, cgiemail, entropy search and banner.

Network tools such as DNS Lookup and Traceroute are included and offers data management features such as manage MySql and php MyAdmin Access.

The interfaces are available in several languages. Along with Web Host Manager (WHM) CPanel provides easy use for both reseller hosting and web hosting. This makes managing the site quite easy for you. It allows multi site hosting ability aside from its multi-features. It has a wide range of functions to manage your website effectively.

Philip Ray specializes in providing the top 10 web hosting companies listed by price, features, support, control panel and ease of use. Find more information on Free Domain Name and Web Site Hosting with a Web Hosting Provider 99 Uptime Hosting Service Hosting are available.

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Web Hosting Essential Needs


Web hosting, in simple terms, is a service that allows individuals, companies and other organizations to store information in remote server such that it is always accessible through internet. Information for the purpose of web hosting can be text, audio (like song and music), image, video (film, animation, etc.) and all those that can be transmitted via web.

Web hosting company offers space to store and retrieve information in servers, which they may or may not own. Web hosting server is typically located in data center that also houses communication equipment needed to connect the server with the world wide web.

Web hosting thus enables your stored information to travel from server via web to any computer across the globe. How do you store information in remote server? When you hire web hosting service, you will first connect your computer with the internet and then dispatch (upload) all your information from your computer hard disc to remote server via web with the help of special program called 'file transfer protocol' or FTP.

Not all web hosting providers offer same level of service. When you approach a web hosting company, you are likely to come across many options. Among many web hosting parameters, following are the ones that need close attention.

Disk Space

Similar to storing data locally on your computer's hard disk, web hosting company will allot space - commonly termed as 'disk space' - in web hosting server where you will upload and locate your information for access by all. Ensure that the disk space offered as part of web hosting service is sufficient for your needs.


Imagine four people trying to pass through a 2-feet wide door at the same time. This is seemingly impossible. The way out will be to either widen your door to 6 feet or make them pass in a queue. This is akin to the concept of bandwidth in web hosting service.

Higher bandwidth in web hosting will certainly allow more amount of visits at any given time. Bear in mind though that if there is unprecedented traffic to your website, the web hosting provider will automatically resort to making queues. In which case those who stand at the back may not reach your website because the time allotted by web hosting server to each request would have expired before their turns come.

Control Panel

At the heart of web hosting service is control panel. Many a time, low-cost web hosting does not include access to control panel. This is not suggested because unless you have access to the control panel of your web hosting, you will not know or control many vital information.

A control panel in web hosting is nothing but a browser-based interface provided as part of web hosting service, whereby you can monitor your website. Notable among what you can do in web hosting control panel are access to log files and analysis, configure email setting if preferred, manage database if in use and monitor FTP user account(s). You will also be able to view spare and used disc space and bandwidth of your web hosting account.

Other Considerations

It is always a good idea to run a random check on credibility and credentials of web hosting provider. For a start, note whether the main frame computer and web hosting server conform to latest market standards in terms of processor speed, server space, data accessibility, server uptime and so on. Second, is your web hosting provider reliable? To check, refer to forum comments and feedbacks left by earlier customers. Do not hesitate to ask questions from web hosting company if you need any specific information.

Finally, consider if the asking price of web hosting service is reasonable. There are many web hosting providers in the market. There is no harm to shop around awhile for good bargains to be had. All things considered, ensure that you get good value for your money while deciding on a web hosting service.

Article by Josh at
Visit his site for a comprehensive web hosting directory, articles, tools, and much more.

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Ongoing health issues not only damage quality of life; they can also wreak havoc on finances. Fortunately, if your old ways of earning a living become impossible, you need not despair. You can take positive steps to improve your cash flow:

1. Know your rights. If you suffered an on-the-job injury or car accident, you might qualify for Workman's Compensation or Disability Insurance. Contact your state's Workman's Compensation Department, and/or ask someone to review your insurance policy. Depending on the severity and duration of your symptoms, you might also be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). These options require significant paperwork and follow-thru, but they can sometimes keep you afloat when income plummets. (Keep in mind that SSI limits your ability to receive money from other sources, so consult with an attorney or social worker before you apply for benefits. Even if you do meet the criteria, people often need to submit multiple appeals before they see any checks. If you expect permanent disability and want SSI, it pays to get an early start and remain persistent.)

2. Get proper treatment. When poor health keeps you from working, getting well makes good financial sense. If your symptoms mystify your doctors, you might want to explore the possibility of often misdiagnosed conditions like Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Post Traumatic Vision Syndrome, and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Traditional medicine marginalizes neurological symptoms and chronic pain, but some experts specialize in these conditions. Do your research. Finding the right treatment provider(s) can start you on the path to physical and financial recovery.

3. Contact organizations designed to help you. For example, if you experience visual problems, call your state's Society for the Blind and Visually Impaired. They can sometimes provide software or hardware to enlarge computer screens, create auditory versions of the written word, offer job retraining or funding for treatment options. Suffered trauma? Ask your hospital about occupational therapy (O.T.) options. Investigate local, state and national organizations that offer scholarships or grants for people with various disabilities or backgrounds.

4. Become an affiliate. If you already recommend products or books to people you know, you can become a ClickBank or Amazon affiliate. This need not involve posting online ads or giving a major sales pitch. It just means you can earn commissions for products you already recommend. ClickBank sellers usually offer 50% or more commission, and Amazon "Associates" earn up to 10% on qualifying purchases. If you find yourself raving about particular products or services, find out if the company will compensate you for referrals.

5. Get creative. Some of our greatest artists and writers began their careers while bedridden or house bound. The lawyer Henri Matisse only started painting during a long recovery from appendicitis. "is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization committed to empowering trauma survivors with effective expressive outlets via internet art gallery, outreach programs, national exhibitions, publications and development of employment skills." They aim "to enable the survivor/artists to display and market their works to give them recognition, hope and direction by implementing this innovative approach to healing." Kaleidoscope Magazine of United Disability Services publishes creative work by, for or about people with disabilities-including award winning content by some of the best writers of our time. Latent creative abilities often surface when traditional skills falter. Consider this time an opportunity to let your inner artist shine!

6. Focus on service. If you're struggling with these health issues, others probably are, too. Brainstorm ideas of how to help people in your situation. Many a business began when people simply brought into being what they sensed would help their own recovery. If you have stumbled upon a "miracle cure," unusual technique, or special technology that helped you heal, consider sharing your discoveries with others. Write articles and/or books; create a recovery blog with online sponsors; start a non-profit organization; raise awareness; learn, practice and eventually teach alternative healing techniques. If you don't feel like you can work for someone else, then work from home. You can set your own hours and still make a major difference in this world. Inspiring others will enhance your own recovery!

7. Find your purpose. People say, "Everything happens for a reason" and we so want to believe that's true! When life shuts out most opportunities, consider carefully the skills or talents that remain. Sometimes Destiny arrives in the form of disabilities that remove all other options. Do you have an unusual or hidden gift? A sense of calling or special mission? Life has a funny way of supporting our deepest longings and most dramatic offerings. And the sooner we embrace our path, the easier that road becomes. "Impossible" synchronicities make regular appearances. Words, food and money arrive at just the proper time. Almost before we realize what's happening, Life returns-and with it, the abundance we so crave.

Laura Bruno is a Life Coach, Medical Intuitive and Reiki Master Teacher dedicated to helping people live radiantly free, compassionate and joyful lives:

Laura also authored the long-awaited book If I Only Had a Brain Injury: A TBI Survivor and Life Coach's Guide to Chronic Fatigue, Concussion, Lyme Disease, Migraine or Other "Medical Mystery," now available at

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Lunesta Side Effects


Before you decide to buy Lunesta, make sure you have read over all pertinent information about how Lunesta works, and what side effects you might experience.

Let's go over Lunesta Side Effects

If you notice any of the following side effects, stop taking Lunesta immediately and contact your local emergency room. They include allergic reactions; symptoms of which include breathing problems; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; closing of your throat; and hives.

Consult with your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any other, less serious side effects such as confusion; drowsiness, clumsiness, or dizziness during the day; aggressive behavior and violent mood swings; any unusual behavior; amnesia (memory loss); agitation; depression or hallucination.

A few other less serious side effects are those which you may have to deal with on a more common basis. These common Lunesta side effects include headaches and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. If these side effects become annoying or persistent, please get in touch with your doctor to see what could be done about this.

Another thing you should know about sleeping pills in general is that a certain inconvenience could occur when stopping treatment after prolonged use of the medication. This is known as "rebound insomnia," and it's a term for when someone has even more trouble sleeping after they've stopped treatment, than they did before they starting taking the sleeping pill. Don't worry, though. The problem usually stops by itself after the first or second night.

Althought Lunesta is not a narcotic or an opiate like many prescription medications, it may still be habit-forming. This means that you could become addicted to it, as your body becomes dependent on the medication to feel good. Talk to your doctor before you stop taking Lunesta suddenly, as you could experience withdrawal symptoms after taking Lunesta for several weeks or longer. A simple chat with yor doctor will give you all the information you need about taking this sleep aid safely.

As with all medications, side effects other than those listed in this article may occur. If you notice any other unusual symptoms that are especially bothersome, please alert your doctor as soon as possible.

Copyright (C) Shoppe.MD and Ian Mason, 2004-2005

Ian Mason, owner of Shoppe.MD, your source for Lunesta, drug information and insomnia forums.

Ian is a fat-to-fit student of health, weight loss, exercise, and several martial arts; maintaining several websites in an effort to help provide up-to-date and helpful information for other who share his interests in health of body and mind.

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Aug 28, 2008

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