Blogger BlogNet27284

Are Insurance Agents Still Relevant?


The internet has made insurance purchase easier. Now, the consumers have the option to buy insurance online. Buying insurance online appears to have a number of advantages. Firstly, people perceive online insurance hassle free and time saving. Secondly, the customers may avoid being pressured into buying insurance. Thirdly, People can compare rates and benefits and then apply online at the comfort of their home.

With online insurance getting more attention, is there still room for insurance agents in the market place?

"Would insurance profession obsolete like keypunch operator or typewriter?"

No, insurance agents are still relevant.

"Do we still require the service of insurance agents?"


Insurance is still people business. We need to connect with people.

We can't shake hand over internet. We can't establish human touch with online customers. We can't talk to them eyeball to eyeball. We can't see their facial expression and we can't hear their voice. We don't know if they frown or smile. We have no clue if they sound certain or hesitant. We are not able to tell if they have hidden concerns or worries that would have been obvious if we are face to face with them.

Body language and tone of voice carry so many meaningful messages and all these messages are filtered the moment the customers communicate with us online. We can't share their feelings and many a time it is the emotion that triggers a person to take action. We don't know what excites them and what motivates them. If we knew, we would have asked the right questions to zoom the discussion into areas of their interest.

Insurance agents are still relevant and probably more than ever in internet age. E-Commerce has replaced human in many business transactions. Ironically, this creates a huge vacuum in human needs for affiliation and connection with people. People probably need attention and care more than ever. That explains why caring professions are predicted to be in great demand in years to come.

Irrespective of what happens, insurance agents have an important role to play. Insurance agents are to help people plan ahead against any unforeseen event that may have significant financial impact on them.

The mission of insurance agents is to make sure there are 3 square meals on the dining table even though the breadwinner is no longer around, to make sure the widow continue to provide the same kind of care and attention for her children without the need to worry if she has to make enough money to support the family and to make sure children can still pursue their dreams to further their education even though their parents are no longer in the picture.

There are 3 reasons why we need the service of the insurance agent:

1. Managing financial affairs can be a complicated process. There are many things to consider from financial security to estate planning, from education planning to retirement planning, from investment strategies to tax implication, etc. We need agents' help to put all these jigsaw puzzle pieces in the right perspective so that we understand our financial situations from a broader angle.

2. Medical diagnosis is always followed by prescription of medicines. Similarly, after fact find, an agent will analyze the customer's financial situation and priorities. The agent will then take into account of the customer's affordability, age factor and underwriting considerations to decide what sort of advice to be given. The agent has the knowledge where to get different plans from different companies before presenting the customer the packaged solutions in a more cost effective manner.

3. Everybody has unique financial situation and considerations. There is no one-size-fit-all product that can take care of specific needs of every individual. Getting an insurance plan without seeking professional advice from an agent is like taking aspirin as a quick fix to get rid of headaches without consulting any doctor. A person may end up getting himself an insurance plan that does not meet his needs like a patient ends up suffering from side effects caused by aspirin.

Insurance agents should always regard themselves as financial doctors who are in the position to analyze the financial situations of the people before prescribing the right financial solutions.

Many people may appear healthy, but if you take a closer look, a lot of them may have financial cholesterol. Many more suffer from financial hypertension and financial cancer. That explains why hundreds of thousands of people become bankrupt for not able to manage their financial affairs properly or become despair for lack of planning to encounter unforeseen events.

We need insurance agents to take care of our financial security just like we need medical doctors for the right medical treatment in order to stay healthy and stay free from sickness and pain.

"Is online insurance a threat to the existence of insurance agents?"

The answer is no. Not now and not in foreseeable future. Probably online insurance does more good than harm to insurance agents. With more insurance awareness created by internet, insurance agents can help online insurance customers further enhance their coverage from basic to a more comprehensive one. Only insurance agents can provide advice and solutions unique to the customers' situation.

I am an insurance sales coach who has been in insurance business in the past almost 2 decades. I have an website i.e. and my blog is

car finance

Online Wealth - Make Money Online by Blogging


There has truly never been a better time to be a writer. With written content being the number one thing people search for on the internet, there is practically limitless opportunity for writers to find avenues to publish their work and make money.

You set up a personal blog that you can use to write about whatever it is you want to. Some people use the opportunity to write highly searchable content in order to earn money. Other people write more personal opinion pieces and connect with other readers in a dialogue about a certain topic.

It is fairly easy to sign up for a free blogging content management system. There are many blogging platforms out there. First, think about what you want your site to be about, think of a good name, and then start writing, and start making money online.

I recommend to people who are just starting out publishing to start writing for a site that already gets ample traffic. This way, writers get instant exposure and can even start to earn money. Later, when you decide to start your own private domain blog, you can promote it anywhere else you already publish your work. If you can find an opportunity to write for someone else's website and put a link to your own website, this could be a good way to get some readers to your website.

I've tried out a lot of the sites where you can write and earn with the Google AdSense advertising program. Start a website and you can earn money from your published content for eternity, and you can delete it any time also. It's yours so you can do whatever you want with it.

An added bonus is that you can make money from your blog from the advertisements on your pages. If you are familiar with Google AdSense, then you already basically know how this works. AdSense is Google's advertising program, which is very prevalent on the web.

Almost any site you visit will have some AdSense advertisements on it. They are very simple, usually just two or three lines of text promoting a product or service that relates to the content of the site. The owner of the site on which these ads are posted earns some money through the Google AdSense program for each time someone clicks on the ads. So bloggers can get paid to write. Popular bloggers with multiple sites can make some decent money.

A quick thing about AdSense: when you sign up, you get a personal code that you can post on any site that you own or can gain ad revenue from. It is your code and no one else has access to it. You are also paid directly from the Google Adsense program.

Chris is a writer, online marketer, and content publisher. He owns several websites and writes Los Angeles Lasik Surgery Guide.

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Oct 28, 2008

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