Blogger BlogNet27284

Romantic Travel Destinations


When it comes to romantic travel destinations, your creativity is the limit!

There are a lot of options of where you can go. Some people choose a winter paradise, others select a romantic cruise or an all inclusive beach resort. Ultimately, it is your decision on where you and your partner want to go, but I am here to help you figure out what it is that you two lovebirds want to do. Below, I will give you some suggestions on what you can do on your vacation together, as well as list a few of the hottest places you can go to make some magic happen.

When a couple travels together they have time to themselves, away from work, away from the stress of everyday life and away from everything else in their lives that can make it difficult to have quality, intimate time together. Many couples forget that being intimate is a big part of keeping a relationship going.

Taking time to get away from home and going to a romantic travel destination can help many couples who feel that the magic is fading. There are so many places around the world that lovers can go and remember what made them fall in love in the first place and help them fall in love all over again. Love can be a wonderful thing when a couple can keep the magic alive; many relationships sadly end because they did not stay intimate enough.

Here are the top Four Romantic Adult Getaways

Number One: Paris is and always will be a place for lovers young and old. It is the number one romantic travel destination for couples whether they are married or in a committed relationship. In fact, Tom Cruise thought it was a great idea to propose to Katie Holmes on the Eiffel Tower. Many people around the world have always thought of Paris as an ultimate romantic travel destination, and have nick named it "The city of love".

Number Two: Wine Country California, from Napa Valley to Sonoma there are cozy lodgings, great tasting wines and some of the best food you can find. Many couples find it absolutely romantic; it may have something to do with the breath taking scenery, or the fact that it has miles of land dedicated to making some of the finest wines in the world.

Number Three: Mexico is one of the hottest travel spots in the world right now. Not only is it surrounded by beautiful beaches, but you can't beat the price. Depending on the time of year you travel, you can book at an all inclusive (this includes air, meals and hotel) resort for around $1000 a week! These resorts aren't cheap either. They are five star resorts with pools, beach front property, incredible dining and impressive service. (Plus the alcohol is usually free!)

Number Four: Cruises are very popular for couples young and old. A get away on a romantic cruise through the Caribbean Islands is sure to bring back any magic that may have faded. There is nothing like cruising the open waters and watching the dolphins jump along the ship to bring two people closer together. Not to mention all the sandy beaches and live entertainment that comes with booking a cruise!

Want more? Click here for to find tons of Romantic Travel Destinations Or try this website to find some more Free Romantic Ideas

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Acne and Our Skin


Our skin has pores and these pores sometimes get blocked and trap the sebum that drains to the surface of the skin causing the two types of acne to form, which are whiteheads and blackheads. Whiteheads are tiny white spots that often can't be seen but you can feel it whereas blackheads are black dots on your skin and it takes a long time to go off.

The common myth is that acne is caused by dirt. The truth is, acne is cause by the hormone testosterone which is present in both males and females. This hormone increases at the onset of puberty and it stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce oil, resulting in blocked pores.

Blackheads and whiteheads can often lead to inflammatory acne if the follicle wall ruptures. This type of acne is called pimples, where a pustule forms when white blood cells make their way to the surface of the skin.

Acne happens on the face as well as the neck, chest and back. Teenagers are more prone to acne and it can prolong for some people into their 20's, 30's and older. Acne clears up after several years without treatment, but in some cases, treatment is required.

Acne has nothing to do with you food intake though some foods can make acne worse. Washing your face repeatedly can also worsen acne as rigorous washing can lead to stressed up and dried skin, causing more oil to be produced and clogging more pores.

Keeping acne at bay is an ongoing process. Acne treatment works by preventing new acne from breaking out. Acne treatment also varies according to a person's skin type, whether normal, sensitive, oily or the combination and to the type of acne. Apart from using treatments, a person should not pick, pop or squeeze pimples, whiteheads or blackheads by themselves. Agitating acne can only make it worse by causing swelling and inflammation and scarring as well. Remember that acne is not curable, but it can be controlled. In due time, you skin will look better and scar free.

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Acne Treatment
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4 Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scars


There's no doubt acne scaring is a major inconvenience to anybody, it gives the idea of bad skin complexion and often causes damage to one's self confidence. The biggest problem facing people with acne scars is they don't know how to treat the problem, clearing up the scars left by acne. Here you will understand the different methods of getting rid of acne scars. Hopefully in the end your acne scars will be a thing of the past in your skin will look much healthier.

There a lot of expensive treatments that are found to be effective, but are often nowhere near the financial reach for the majority of the population. It's important to recognize that there are some equally effective natural and cheaper remedies in getting rid of acne scars. Some of these treatments you can use to treat your acne scars in the convenience of your own home.

One of the most popular methods of removing these scars is the use of oatmeal cleansers. It helps remove other skin defects like blackheads and also aids in the effective removal of acne scars. The oatmeal method consists of a mixture of rosewater and oatmeal powder, together they form a paste that you apply to the areas that are affected by the scars.

After applying the oatmeal cleanser leave it for about 15 minutes afterwards rinse in cold water, this process allows the the oatmeal to close all the existing pores and clear up the existing up the problem. You should do this every day to see the best results.

Another successful acne scar treatment option is the use of honey. Honey is considered as one of the best natural remedies for treating acne scars. Honey has great properties in defeating bacteria that actually causes acne. After cleaning your skin you can apply the honey to the problem area. Leave the honey for about 10 minutes before rinsing it with clean water.

One of the best options that is guaranteed get rid of acne scars, is the use of gels and lotions that are available at leading online stores and pharmacies, and are highly recommended by professionals. The most important aspect to remember when removing this problem is to be patient with any kind of treatment taken.

Another well-known acne scar treatment is the use of laser resurfacing. It's a process that involves a laser being applied to the affected area that kills the bacteria that forms the acne scars. This treatment can take from a number of minutes or until an hour or so, to fully remove the acne scars.

If your not happy with your acne problem and you are interested in finding more information about acne scar treatments then visit On the other hand if you wish to look at products that have a guarantee to help your acne problems then visit Skin Care Products.

Acne Treatment

Most health insurances only allow coverage of a dependent until a certain age. For Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey the age restriction was coverage would terminate at the end of the year in which a dependent turns 23. However this has changed with the implementation of Chapter 375, a new mandate that allows coverage to continue until age 30. There are some limitations and restrictions but for the most part the new mandate is bringing joy to many over age dependents attempting to peruse further schooling or for dependents who are unable to provider health coverage for themselves.

The new mandate does not apply to employers with Administrative Services Only (ASO) contracts however; ASO clients will have the option to offer the continued coverage to their employees. For the most part all other group coverage is included in its implementation. The best part is that a dependent does not even need to be living in New Jersey as long as they are a full time student and meet the other criteria for coverage. Something that varies however from the normal Horizon policy is that the dependent who elects Chapter 375 will only remain covered until their 30th birthday, not until the end of the year in which they turn 30.

According to Horizon's website Q&A on the new Mandate eligibility must include:

-Is the child of a subscriber who is less than age 30;

- Is not married;

- Has no dependents of his/her own;

- Is either a resident of New Jersey or enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited public or private institution of higher education;

- Is not covered under any other group or individual health benefits plan and is not covered under Medicare;

- Must have previously aged-out of their parent's group health plan, which is a fully-insured plan issued in New Jersey and Is the child of a parent who is actively covered under a group health plan, which is a fully-insured plan issued in.

Another great thing is that even if a member is eligible for coverage (with the exception of Medicare) they are not forced into taking it. They would still be eligible for Chapter 375.

The biggest draw back is the cost. Chapter 375 is more costly then even COBRA coverage. I would recommend to anyone who is about to become an over-age dependent elect COBRA coverage first and then once COBRA's limitations run out then at that point elect Chapter 375. The reason for this is that COBRA is generally cheaper than the Chapter 375's cost. This will save you money but gain you the same coverage as you had under your parents contract.

For more information on Chapter 375 please see Horizon's website at

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Aug 18, 2008

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