Blogger BlogNet27284

Announcing Nifty Ways To Get Started Selling On Ebay And Make Money Online


If you are looking for a way to start making money online Ebay is a very good option. It is one of the most visited websites in the world receiving millions of visitors a day. If you have products listed you will make sales.

In this article I would like to go over the fundamentals that will help you to start selling successfully on Ebay.

I suggest that you go through all the documentation on the Ebay website. This will have most of the information for you to get started. You may even want to read it a few times so that you are very familiar with it.

Once you have become familiar you need to setup an account with Paypal. You need to ensure that you get it verified as this will be how people will actually pay you.

After this have a look to see what is very popular as you will need to focus on these markets to make the most money. You may also want to consider investing in third party software that gives you the actual statistics of sales figures. This will assist you in deciding which markets are the most profitable to get started with.

I suggest that you first start out selling small ticket items. The reason for this is that you need to first build a good feedback rating before you start selling more expensive items. This is the measure of trust that people have in you. So offer exceptional service and you will receive a very good rating.

Finally, once you have a good feedback rating you can start selling more expensive items.

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How to Make Money Online - Online Businesses


Many people often ask what the magic formula for making money online is. The truth of the matter is that there are a number of key ingredients necessary to achieve the desired results, and there are several different avenues that lead to the same goal.

One of the most important factors for making money online is to stay focused - no matter what your chosen method is. Most people often lose track of their goals somewhere along the way and stray from their paths either due to a lack of patience, or simply because they lose focus.

Making money online is not something that happens overnight. It is a slow and arduous process that requires a lot of planning, commitment and patience. It also requires a willingness to learn and an awareness of the latest information and technology available at hand.

Flexibility is another key requirement to be successful online. For example, if you have been doing things a certain way for several years and suddenly there is a more efficient method available, you have to be flexible enough to adopt the new and improved method as soon as possible in order to stay competitive or to save time, especially with today's busy lifestyles where time is money.

Many people underestimate the importance of marketing their online presence. This is a crucial process in determining the level of success to be achieved. Most online businesses fail within the first three years because they do not have a carefully planned out marketing strategy in place. Having an online presence does not guarantee that people will automatically come to you, whether you have a website or a blog or any other form of online entity.

Staying competitive and being aware of the competition is always good practice. If you are selling a product for $100 plus shipping, whereas your competitor sells the same product for $100 and offers free shipping services, you are wasting your time. Ask yourself this: Why would a potential customer buy from me? What can I offer that my competitor does not have? Give your customers a good reason to buy from you rather than your competitors.

These are just some of the numerous key ingredients that form the basis of success for many online entrepreneurs.

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The long-term care insurance industry paid out $3.5 billion in benefits to individuals holding long-term care insurance policies in 2007 according to a study released by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. Approximately, 180,000 Americans received benefits. The AALTCI compiled the data from over 60 long-term care insurers who represent 98 percent of all policies currently in force. This is the first time the total number of individuals on claim was gathered.

The risk is higher of needing long-term care than the risk of a serious car accident or house fire. Baby boomers as part of the "sandwich generation" are beginning to understand the importance of planning for long-term care needs. Long-term care insurance isn't nursing home insurance.

The Association's (AALTCI) study of claims for 2007 showed that 43.0 percent were attributed to home care. 32.9 percent of claims were for assisted living and 24.1 percent covered home care. It also found that the individuals receiving benefits are older. 32.3 percent receiving benefits are between 70-79, 55.2 percent are between 80 or over, but 11.5 percent were for those between 50-69. The youngest individual on claim was 23.

Retirement planning needs to include long-term care planning because unless an individual is guaranteed through group long-term care insurance, you will need to health-qualify for coverage. That's why it is important to start planning when individuals are in their 50's. An individual is far more likely to qualify for significant good health discounts when they are in their 50's than if they wait to purchase coverage in their 60's.

The five most common reasons for a long-term care insurance claim, according to the Association, are Alzheimer's disease, stroke, arthritis, circulatory issues or injury. Fifty-one percent of American children and adults are regularly taking one or more prescription drugs for a chronic condition, typically for problems linked to heart disease, obesity and diabetes according to a recent survey conducted by Medco Health Solutions.

According to the Association, after looking at the records of major insurance companies and 250,000 consumers, it found that 22.9 percent of those 60-69 were turned down for a policy. In your 50's, only 14 percent were rejected. Yes, it's true you will be paying for the policy for more years, but at a lower premium. But at least you'll qualify and have a policy.

In conclusion, we can't predict our future. Medical advances are increasing as well as our life span which means that most of us can expect a longer life than our parents. This increases the likelihood that we will need some kind of long-term care. So, don't put off this very important aspect of your financial plan. Consult with a Long-Term Care Specialist to find out what the best plan is for you and your family.

Before you purchase a long-term care policy, consult with Dane Petchul, LTCP, CLTC, a Long-Term Care Specialist at

You will receive a free, no obligation quote with the costs and benefits appropriate for you and your family.

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Nov 22, 2008

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