Blogger BlogNet27284

Umbrella Insurance


Umbrella insurance is meant to shield consumers from charges that go beyond what their traditional insurance covers. In auto coverage, an umbrella plan will kick in after a traditional liability or comprehensive insurance plan stops paying. For example, if you're in an accident and are found to be at fault, the insurance you have will pay for the charges up to the limit that you have placed on the policy. A $15,000 liability policy will pay for the first $15,000 damages, but if your bill comes to $40,000, you're liable for the remaining $25,000. An umbrella insurance policy will pay that bill, and you'll be left in reasonable financial condition.

Umbrella insurance doesn't just cover damages due to car accidents. It can also protect you from becoming financially devastated if you're sued for something that is beyond your control. If a person is damaged on your property, or by something on your property (even a tree!), you can be held legally responsible. Although some states do protect certain assets from being seized, such as your home or vehicle, it is easy to see how much damage even a small lawsuit can do to your financial security.

The cost of umbrella insurance varies by state and by your location in that state. The cost is different for the same reasons that traditional insurance is different, so whatever factors influence the cost of your traditional auto insurance can be expected to play a part in the cost of your umbrella policy. A good range of cost for umbrella insurance is between $200-$300 per year. For that small amount of money, the insurance can contribute up to five million dollars of a lawsuit claim, making it well worth the small increase in the cost of premiums.

Because of the nature of umbrella insurance, it carries a high deductible, sometimes of more that $200,000. Of course, you are not paying that amount out. This is the amount that "you" have to pay before it kicks in, but "you" if often your primary car or homeowners' insurance. Most companies that sell umbrella insurance will require that you have auto insurance and homeowner's insurance that is equal to your deductible. This ensures that you don't have to pay any more out-of-pocket than necessary.

There are times that it's better be "self-insured." This simply means that you are responsible for paying all of your insurance costs, which translates into an easy concept: you don't have insurance! Those who choose to be self-insured do so because they don't expect to ever need it. For example, if you don't drive but once a week, or you're a hermit and don't invite people to your home, you could possibly afford to be self-insured. But if you're a typical, extroverted American who uses a vehicle on a daily basis, it would be to your benefit to consider an umbrella insurance policy.

Tristan Andrews is a writer for California Car Insurance.

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Tips On How To Save Money On Car Insurance


Some things in life are free. Car insurance is not one of those things, and it can be rather darn expensive. Here are some ideas on how to save money on car insurance.

Depending upon what state you live in, having car insurance may not only be a smart way to protect your car, it may also be the law. Certain states require that drivers carry insurance on their vehicle, and for good reason. Car repairs can be very expensive, and most people do not have a few thousand dollars set aside just in case of an accident.

Since car insurance is something we need to spend to money on, we should try to at least save some money while we're doing it, right?

Here are a few tips to help you save some money on your car insurance bill.

1. Get quotes from more than 1 company. You are severely limiting the money you might save by signing up with the first company you get a quote from.

2. See if your employer has any special relationships that might entitle you to cheaper insurance. Some companies that are only available to groups have incredibly attractive rates and can save you a lot of money.

3. Some companies offer percentage discounts for a good driving record, good grades in school, and defensive driving courses. A defensive driving course might cost you a few hundred bucks, but it might you save you multiples of that over the next few years. Check with the insurance company to see which programs qualify for this discount.

4. Make sure your motor vehicle record doesn't have any wrong information. Identity thieves have figured out that it is not too difficult to get their moving violations on someone else's record.

5. Carrying a higher deductible, for example $1000 instead of $500, can lead to lower rates. If you are not prone to having accidents, a higher deductible might be a good choice for you.

6. If you have a teenage driver, consider having them get their own policy. At least get quotes to compare whether they are adding unnecessary expense to your rates.

7. Move to a rural area. This is probably not a viable option, but car insurance does vary heavily by area and state. More densely populated areas oftentimes have much higher rates than rural areas.

8. If your vehicle is completely paid for, you may only need to carry a minimal amount of insurance. Check with your insurance company and state laws to see if you're required to carry coverage such as liability, collision, or comprehensive coverage.

9. Some car insurance companies will give a discount if you have an alarm or theft-deterrent device installed. If your car doesn't have one already, consider getting one.

There you have it. A few free tips on how to save money on your car insurance. Some may work for you and some may not, but you won't know that you're getting the best rate unless try to implement some of these tips. Good luck in reducing your car insurance bill!

Would you like to save money on car insurance but aren't sure how? One way is to get a free quote from a few different auto insurance companies. Try it for yourself. Get a free car insurance quote in 5 minutes or less at

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WordPress - Before The Blog


What do you want your blog to accomplish? Hint, hint, the answer is not to make money (well, ultimately, it is), but before you can make money, you have to decide on many things. The first one is: What do you want your blog to accomplish? Why are you getting a presence on the web? Or, why do you already have a presence on the web? What is yourpurpose? And, what do you want the purpose of your blog to be? These may seem like some tough questions as we go along, but they're really critical (critical to your success). So we are going to talk in depth about a lot of these things.

Next is: What is the title of your blog? The title is what will appear in the browser bar when people are on your site. You want to use keywords in your title because the title can either help or hurt your SEO and the effect of how people see you. It's really critical for people and for your SEO that you get the title right.

Now you need to write a brief Elevator Speech for your blog. Do you all know what an elevator speech is? It's what you can say about yourself in the amount of time that it takes an elevator to go wherever an elevator is going. You need this for your blog too, because it's going to go in the meta tag of your blog for SEO purposes (SEO - Search Engine Optimization). So, people in your blog won't actually see this description, but Google, Yahoo, MSN, whatever search engines are spidering your blog will see it. This description is what will appear when you are indexed and you get listed as a search result. If you have ever searched for anything (and I'm sure you have) on Google, then you know that the title comes up and then underneath that title there is a little, not quite paragraph, but several lines of text about the title. This is where your description will appear, so make it good, make it so that people will want to click on the title of the result and go to your blog to read it. Don't just say, This blog is about... Say what your purpose really is.

These are just a few of the 'before the blog' tips you need to consider. Now I'd like to invite you to for more information on WordPress and on blogging.

Cathy Perkins, The WordPress Wizard

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Oct 8, 2008

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