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Acne and Our Skin

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Our skin has pores and these pores sometimes get blocked and trap the sebum that drains to the surface of the skin causing the two types of acne to form, which are whiteheads and blackheads. Whiteheads are tiny white spots that often can't be seen but you can feel it whereas blackheads are black dots on your skin and it takes a long time to go off.

The common myth is that acne is caused by dirt. The truth is, acne is cause by the hormone testosterone which is present in both males and females. This hormone increases at the onset of puberty and it stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce oil, resulting in blocked pores.

Blackheads and whiteheads can often lead to inflammatory acne if the follicle wall ruptures. This type of acne is called pimples, where a pustule forms when white blood cells make their way to the surface of the skin.

Acne happens on the face as well as the neck, chest and back. Teenagers are more prone to acne and it can prolong for some people into their 20's, 30's and older. Acne clears up after several years without treatment, but in some cases, treatment is required.

Acne has nothing to do with you food intake though some foods can make acne worse. Washing your face repeatedly can also worsen acne as rigorous washing can lead to stressed up and dried skin, causing more oil to be produced and clogging more pores.

Keeping acne at bay is an ongoing process. Acne treatment works by preventing new acne from breaking out. Acne treatment also varies according to a person's skin type, whether normal, sensitive, oily or the combination and to the type of acne. Apart from using treatments, a person should not pick, pop or squeeze pimples, whiteheads or blackheads by themselves. Agitating acne can only make it worse by causing swelling and inflammation and scarring as well. Remember that acne is not curable, but it can be controlled. In due time, you skin will look better and scar free.

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