Blogger BlogNet27284

AOC Gold Farming Strategies - Learn How to Amass AOC Gold Fast!

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"Don't gain the world and lose your soul. Wisdom is better than silver and gold." So sang the legendary Rastafarian Robert "Bob" Marley in one of his many songs of depth and social-awareness. True, I'd pick wisdom over silver and gold any day- in the real world. When we're talking about life in the Kingdoms of Hyboria, (the virtual world of the latest hit MMORPG The Age of Conan) however, having the most AOC gold takes precedence over knowledge most of the time.

In Age of Conan (as with other MMOs), a financially-challenged character cannot purchase the proper weapons and armory and proceed through the game. Forming guilds in Hyboria is also a big part of game play and one cannot do this without the proper coinage.

There are four kinds of currency to use in Age of Conan: tin, copper, silver and gold. These are in order of value and 100 pieces of a certain currency equals 1 piece or unit of the next higher-valued money-type. 100 pieces of tin then equals 1 piece of copper, 100 pieces of copper is equivalent to 1 silver coin, and so on.

Gold in Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures is rather difficult to come by and often times a player will find himself spending hours and hours online just to be able to purchase a more powerful sword or his first steed. True to MMORPG tradition, Gameplay in Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures doesn't come free and comes with an average $14 a month fee. The longer one spends on the game trying to amass AoC gold then, the more he has to pay Funcom for gaming privileges.

This is where an AOC gold guide can come in handy. Downloading a decent guide to build-up your AOC gold coffers faster might be a cheaper, hence better alternative to playing longer hours online.

One of these guides that can show you how to amass 5000g gold in 5 days is called the Ultimate AOC Gold guide.

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