Blogger BlogNet27284

Combining AdSense and Adbrite to Monetize Your Site

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Have you been doing researching ways to make money with Internet marketing? If so, then you may have found that two good resources for making passive income are AdSense and Adbrite. Each program has its own specific advantages and disadvantages, but either one can help you earn a significant amount of money from your websites or blogs.

Because each program has its own unique characteristics, some Internet marketers have begun to use both AdSense and Adbrite on their sites. From a marketing standpoint, this makes sense, because you will have several different types of ads to offer to your readers. However, there are a couple of important considerations that you should think about before combining AdSense and Adbrite to monetize your website or blog.

First, keep in mind that Google (the owner of AdSense) does not like web pages that contain both AdSense ads and other types of contextual ads. In fact, Google may choose to suspend your AdSense account if it finds a web page that contains multiple types of contextual ads.

One way to get around this is to make sure they each page of your website contains only Adsense ads or Adbrite ads. You can have both types of ads on the same website, as long as they both do not appear one the same page. Also, you can create multiple websites, and only use one type of ad on each website. This can actually help you, because it will be easier to compare the performance of your ads to see which program works better.

Another thing to consider when combining Adsense and Adbrite to monetize your website is that each program has a minimum payout - that is, your earnings must reach a certain threshold before the company will send you a check. So if you use both types of ads, it may take you longer to get your hands on the money you have earned from contextual ads.

If you are willing to consider these factors when building your website, combining Adsense and Adbrite ads on your website can be a great way to maximize your website's revenue.

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Anthony Vicenza is a professional affiliate marketer. He now provides free advice to wanna-be internet entrepreneurs at

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