Blogger BlogNet27284

WordPress - Before The Blog

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What do you want your blog to accomplish? Hint, hint, the answer is not to make money (well, ultimately, it is), but before you can make money, you have to decide on many things. The first one is: What do you want your blog to accomplish? Why are you getting a presence on the web? Or, why do you already have a presence on the web? What is yourpurpose? And, what do you want the purpose of your blog to be? These may seem like some tough questions as we go along, but they're really critical (critical to your success). So we are going to talk in depth about a lot of these things.

Next is: What is the title of your blog? The title is what will appear in the browser bar when people are on your site. You want to use keywords in your title because the title can either help or hurt your SEO and the effect of how people see you. It's really critical for people and for your SEO that you get the title right.

Now you need to write a brief Elevator Speech for your blog. Do you all know what an elevator speech is? It's what you can say about yourself in the amount of time that it takes an elevator to go wherever an elevator is going. You need this for your blog too, because it's going to go in the meta tag of your blog for SEO purposes (SEO - Search Engine Optimization). So, people in your blog won't actually see this description, but Google, Yahoo, MSN, whatever search engines are spidering your blog will see it. This description is what will appear when you are indexed and you get listed as a search result. If you have ever searched for anything (and I'm sure you have) on Google, then you know that the title comes up and then underneath that title there is a little, not quite paragraph, but several lines of text about the title. This is where your description will appear, so make it good, make it so that people will want to click on the title of the result and go to your blog to read it. Don't just say, This blog is about... Say what your purpose really is.

These are just a few of the 'before the blog' tips you need to consider. Now I'd like to invite you to for more information on WordPress and on blogging.

Cathy Perkins, The WordPress Wizard

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