Blogger BlogNet27284

Blogging For Your Business - How to Build an Online Business by Blogging For Your Niche Market

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Blogging to build your online business will be the fastest way to get your name known on the internet. Even though there are several million blogs out in the blogosphere, yours can stand out and you can become known in your niche if you are willing to do some work, especially during the first two or three months. Here is how to use your blog to build credibility and reach people all over the world you will be interested in your products and services.

  • Determine what niche you will specialize in. Many people try to be all things to all people and end up not being known in any niche market. Make a choice and then stick with it.
  • Choose either Typepad or WordPress as your blogging platform. Both of these allow you to use the many features that set blogs apart from traditional websites, making it simple to conduct your business from your blog.
  • Choose colors and a design that brand you and your business. You want people to identify with what you are doing on the internet and who you are.
  • Post at least twice a week to your blog and more often in the beginning. I teach my students to power blog during the first thirty days or so, posting every single day and linking from one post to another. This allows the search engines to find you and gives your blog an immediate boost in the search rankings.
  • Encourage your readers to comment on your blog posts. Very few people leave comments, so it is a good idea to explain to them exactly how to go about doing it.
  • Have a way for people to be able to subscribe to your blog so that they can receive regular updates.

You will find that your blog will be the best way to build an online business quickly and reach people who are interested in your niche topic.

And now I invite you to join me for free weekly teleseminars that will teach you how to write, market, and sell your articles and ebook to increase your visibility, credibility and passive income by visiting

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