Blogger BlogNet27284

Make Money Online in Your Sleep With an Autoresponder

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Would you like to make money online in your sleep? You can, with an autoresponder - discover four ways to make this automatic money maker work for you.

If you're not using an autoresponder service you're losing money. An autoresponder is basically just an email address. This address responds to people who subscribe to it, either by sending them one message, or by sending them many messages over a period of time.

Although it's easy to set up an autoresponder with any email address from your own Web site, it's best to use a commercial autoresponder service in order to avoid accusations of spam.

So let's look at four ways you can make money in your sleep with an autoresponder.

1. Turbo Charge a Sales Page when You Educate With a Tutorial

Few people buy the first time they reach a sales page, even if they're interested in the product. An autoresponder allows you not only to stay in touch with people, but also to educate them about your product. Give them a free tutorial set up in your autoresponder and you may raise your conversion rate to 25 per cent or more.

2. Stay in Touch With Customers and Bring Them Back to Your Site

Autoresponders make your Web site sticky - they bring visitors back to your site because you can contact them over and over again. As you gain trust and credibility, you'll make sales.

3. Get Instant Cash Into Your PayPal Account Without Advertising

Got a special deal? Send a message to your autoresponder subscribers, and you'll get money into your PayPal account instantly. There's no need to spend money on paid advertising. Your autoresponder clients know you, and are already primed to buy from you.

4. Market Your Products for Free

You know that a lot of the money you spend on advertising is money wasted. An autoresponder is inexpensive compared to other advertising methods. It can even be free. Once you have a series of autoresponders, you've got powerful ways to market at low or no cost.

Autoresponders are an essential tool for your business; put them to work for you, and you can make money online even while you sleep.

Discover how to make money online in your spare time with Angela Booth's Sell Your Writing Online NOW at You'll get complete training in how the Web works, so you can take advantage of the unlimited opportunities.

For information on easy money making opportunities, visit Money Diviner at

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