Blogger BlogNet27284

Niche Blogging - How to Get Started

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Do you blog? If not, you are missing out on a booming business, not to mention the latest fad on the Internet. Everyone is blogging these days your Grandmother is probably blogging if she has a computer!

Blogging isnt just fun, it is a business that has really taken off. In fact, many people are making full time livings simply by blogging each and every day. Dont you wish you could spend thirty minutes or so a day writing an entry for your blog and then go do the things you really enjoy in life? You can if you learn how niche blogging works.

There is blogging and there is niche blogging. Niche blogging is where the money is. Here is how it works: You do some research to find out what is popular these days. You set up a blog. You find affiliate products for your blog. You write an entry each day. You market your blog. You collect the money. Sounds simple, right?

Well, once you get the hang of it, it is simple but starting out takes a little more work, and a lot more thought starting with the research that you need to do. What will your niche be? There are millions of people blogging about millions of topics. The more unique your topic can be the better you will do. Even if you cant choose a unique topic, the way you blog, or the information you put on your blog should be unique so you can compete with the other bloggers in your niche.

That part isnt so simple finding your niche. Start by finding out what the most popular keyword searches are in the search engines. Do a search for those keywords using RSS feed software or using a search engine type in the keyword followed by the word blog or RSS. How many people are blogging? If the keywords are popular, there are probably hundreds or thousands of blogs in that niche already. Can you use any of those keywords and create a unique blog? If so, go for itif not, keep searching.

Think about your own interests. If you are interested in a particular hobby or topic, the chances are good that thousands or even millions of other people are. What is your favorite reality television show? People blog about Survivor, and some of those blogs have a huge following. This goes to show you that even if you do choose a topic that many people are blogging about, you can still make it unique enough to become quite popular.

Setting up your blog is simple. You can get your own webhosting account that includes blogging scripts. These are simple to install, and usually only takes a few clicks of the mouse from the webhosting control panel. You need your own domain name, which can be ordered when you order your hosting account in most cases. However, if you are not tech savvy, you may need to hire someone to do a little tweaking for you. Basically, you need to choose the colors that you want to use for your blog pages and put your affiliate ads on templates. Again, if you dont know how to do this, you can easily and cheaply hire someone to do this for you through a site such as Rent-A-Coder at

Finally, you are ready to start blogging and marketing your blog. Learning to market a blog also takes a little work. Now, jump on the blogging bandwagon and start earning some money!

Jason frequently gives tips like this to the subscribers to his newsletter. Visit Adventures In Internet Marketing and subscribe to his newsletter today!

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