Blogger BlogNet27284

Is Your HTML Not Working On Squidoo?

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Squidoo lens building can be tricky when you take the extra step to customize your lens a little more than what the site offers as plug and play devices. If you're knowledgeable about enough code to add a link here and there, then a Squidoo lens can help deliver lots of targeted traffic to your domain once it's ranked well in Google.

One common problem Squidoo lensmasters have is in trying to add code to their lens and having it disappear once they click Save and Publish. HTML code to make live links is usually created with a link that begins with this bit of code:

a href = "http://

What usually causes the HTML code to drop is that the user pasted his or her links into their code and forgot to delete the extra space that sometimes shows up here between the apostrophe and where the http begins like this:

" http://

The same issue arises at the end of the URL code. When you're building links in Squidoo, and you save and publish and the code didn't "take," try to make sure the extra spaces are eliminated in your code so it can work properly on your lens.

Some codes are no longer allowed on Squidoo. For instance, the iFrame code that was so coveted by marketers who hoped to build a list with an opt in box right on their lens has been removed from the site. Spammers made it impossible for Squidoo to continue allowing iFrames.

Check to make sure you've coded it exactly and then if it still doesn't work, submit a Bug report to the Squidoo staff. They're all very amicable and helpful in getting Lensmasters up ad running whenever they encounter an obstacle in their lenscrafting journey.

Want to master marketing through the use of Squidoo? Find out how at today!

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