Blogger BlogNet27284

Tales From the Blogosphere

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I entered the blogosphere fairly late in the game. More than three years after starting and managing several busy forums and web sites, I dabbled with blogging through regular entries to one of my aviation web sites. Within weeks I got tired of the discipline not of writing but of ftping everything to the web. I gave up as I decided blogging wasnt for me.

Fortunately, I didnt stay away as I saw a challenge, and an opportunity, in front of me. Having blogged on other peoples sites, I felt that if I could blog there, I could blog anywhere, including on my own blogs. Taking a look at my options, I decided to download WordPress and I now run two blogs from two separate web sites.

I am thrilled with each blogs success and have no plans of giving up on what I am doing. In fact, I am mulling over starting a couple of more blogs as I see the value of this type of medium online.

So, how are my sites doing? Very well according to my sites statistics. No, there isnt much activity as far as comments go, but my information is getting read and the blogs are bringing additional traffic to both sites. Lets just say that the traffic increases alone have been enough to keep me going, but other factors weigh in including:

Blurbs There are times when a full length article just doesnt cut it, but a blurb [pithy paragraph] does. Blogs are great for showcasing tidbits of information and allowing bloggers to link to the full article if more information is desired.

Links On my Jet Movements blog, I added over 200 aviation related links recently. Within days, traffic to my site increased and the first page rankings came back from Google. Less than six weeks after starting, the traffic to this particular blog has been great.

Showcase My second blog, The Article Writer, has helped me communicate better to my customers. Now, my customers can read about my writing style, my comments on raising SEO, book reviews, and more. This blog has given a human touch to an otherwise good, but too-business-like web site.

Idea Farm Some of my blogs have turned into articles as I have taken a short, concise work and expanded on what I wrote through an article. Saves me time, too, as all I have to do is add a couple of extra paragraphs and my article is usually done.

Yes, blogging is a great way to communicate for business folks as well as teens. Some have thought that blogging was a fad, but I must say that it isnt and it is certainly here to stay. Have you started your blog yet?

Copyright 2006 For additional information regarding Matt Keegan, The Article Writer, please visit his blog for wit, quips, and freelance writing tips.

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