Blogger BlogNet27284

How to Blog Better

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Turning your blog into a profitable home business is easily achievable with a little bit of knowledge and work.

But before you get into blogging (or if you already are) you need to stop and think about what your income goals are and how soon you want to reach them. That will determine the level of work that you need to put in. If your looking to make 500-1000 dollars a month then you may only need to work part-time hours. But if you want to make 5000-10000 a month then you may need to work full-time hours.

There are three main ways to make money from blogs, you can decide if you only want to focus on one or all of them. In the beginning I would experiment with them and once you find one that you like stick with it.

1. Promote Affiliate Products

You can find great products to promote as an affiliate on websites such as Clickbank, Paydatcom, Amazon, and from almost any major retailer that your interested in. A lot of people think that they can only promote money making products as an affiliate but there are a lot of categories that you can get in.

The best way to promote affiliate products in blogs is to start a new blog for each product and write a product review for it. Submit your product review to article directories and link back to your blog. This will provide you with the traffic. After you've written the product review for you blog you can write more articles and submit them to articles directories such as EzineArticles for more traffic. The more articles you have in circulation the more traffic you will get.

2. AdWords

AdWords are ads that people pay Google to advertise on the internet. If you sign up for a Google AdWords account they will provide you with the best ads to have on your website. And every time somebody clicks on one of your AdWords ads you get paid a commission.

The great thing about using AdWords to make money is that your not selling anything and you can make blogs about anything that you find interesting.

3. Sell your own product

Selling your own product offers the greatest potential for income on a blog because you don't have to split your income with anybody. So if you find a great product to promote and think that you can make a product that will appeal to the same audience you can create your own product for it and keep all of the profits.

If you use any one of the three ways that I outlined monetize your blog you'll see that making money with blogs isn't as hard as most people make it out to be. You just have to be consistent and keep working and you'll make money.

To learn more about how to make money with blogs visit -

Adsense Money Making Secrets

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