Blogger BlogNet27284

Does Your Blog Make You Look Vindictive, Mean-Spirited Or Negative? Ever Thought About That?

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Most people who blog pretty much learn as they go and there are many reasons people blog. The psychology of blogging is quite fascinating. Many people who have no life, have never achieved anything or have a chip on their shoulder use blogging as an outlet for their anger at the world. They complain about everything and trash others who may hold different views on various subjects.

In some regards these negative bloggers indeed, find comfort in attacking others in order to make themselves feel better or to cut down the other guy to make them look better to their friends or fellow bloggers. They bring quite a bit of chaos and controversy to the table in social blogging networks, and yes, this can build a little traffic as they commiserate with others who are most like them.

However, in doing so, they reveal themselves to the World in a negative way, as purveyors of negative energy and hate filled personalities. Often they do not realize that their disgusting, disingenuous and despicable comments dissuade good folks from wanting to associate with them. Still, they somehow believe that if they get more comments on their blogs from fellow detractors that they are somehow making progress in their attempts to be someone, someone in a non-real virtual world.

So, in order to prevent yourself from becoming like this, try and think about the words you write. Are your negative and pathetic diatribes or condemnations and personal attacks on others going to be that which defines you? Or are you a true gentleman and statesman, one of high moral character that will rise above the choice to write nasty blog posts for short-term gain attacking and belittling others, only to ruin potential meaningful and lifetime relationships on your social online network.

Think on this!

"Lance Winslow" - Online Blog Content Service. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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Blogger BlogNet27284: Does Your Blog Make You Look Vindictive, Mean-Spirited Or Negative? Ever Thought About That?

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